barefoot poet
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all that matters

all that matters

Aug 02, 2021

I may not ever be
The best

At anything
In Life

No matter
How much I practice,

But I strive
To be

The most

As a continual
Habit of praxis

To cultivate
These treasures

Far more important
And beyond measure

Than any medal, trophy, prize
That I could ever hope to win
In any game within Life,

For people remember
How you made them feel

And all the smiles
Left behind
With zeal

That forge a warm hearth
To be birthed
Between you and I
To gather two-gether
As one tribe

Of the same purpose
And design

To mend,
To comfort,
To heal

As all illusion
Dissolves in time

Where we mirror the reflection
Of who we truly are inside

To find
No more confusion

In the truth
Of Heaven revealed :

Only Love is real...

2021, barefoot poet

{ Photo by Todd Trapani on Unsplash - couldn't find a good pickleball reflection image as my sport of choice currently - wrote this after a tough tourney where I simply didn't have "it" and was feeling burned out... reflecting on what truly matters }

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