Removing The Mask...Creating A Path That ...

Removing The Mask...Creating A Path That Gets You THROUGH(Series Pt. 1)

Jan 20, 2022

What a liberation to realize that the"voice in my head" is not who I am.

Eckhart Tolle

I am here to beat you in elevation to your better self. You may have spent time beating yourself down...this is not the same thing. A true beating UP, contains truth, while it may bruise the ego, it opens a path for the entire being to heal and paths for transformation to take place. Allowing the ego to become smaller is what it takes to move through anything with success.

You often hear me speak about keeping your 'vibe' high. But what does that mean? How do you get a higher viberation when you have naturally been tuned into a lower frequency by your surroundings? Mantras are part of the lifting, along with many other things. Removing masks will elevate your vibe to dimensions you have only dreamed of. When you remove a mask, it allows you to go through situations honestly. It will have you creating paving stones, instead of stones that are weights holding you back from your best life.

Yes, its nice to say some mantras and speak life, but are you speaking these things in vain? If your approach is to avoid or mask when hard situations happen, then your mantras are falling in low vibe territory. What does this mean? It means you are wasting time and filling your space with mere words alone. These words do not have a real chance to rise with everything they must wade through. It is true what they say...everything is connected. Something you went through at 10 years old, can still be causing kinks in your days now at maybe 40. There are a number of things that can keep you vibing lower than one should. Many of them you are not even conscious of doing. Mainly because these things have been apart of you for so long that you do not even think about doing them. They are locked and seeded into the unconscious and happen without thought, much like blinking. Also the things we surround ourselves with, from the company we keep, to the food eaten, all the way down to the type of music you are letting wash over you. I'll give you tips at the end on what pulls you down and what you can do to raise yourself.

For many years I called bartending a job. I truly enjoyed the fast paced of it, but I especially enjoyed day shifts, that is when I really got to learn about people. I often found that the ones you wanted gone for being 'too much' were often avoiding... or masking if you will. Dayshift allowed them time to bounce what was really going on inside, off of someone that wasn't going to use it against them later. Those are the moments I hold dear, because in those moments they were allowed to say what they needed to say, no fear, no judgements and watching them discover their own realizations were the best tips I could ever receive! Watching them go from drinking it all away, to not seeing them for a while. Then when they did return, they were simply there to enjoy a few, have some laughs and go home. Seeing them on the other side of whatever it was...#priceless.

So understand this next thing I'm about to say is not a judgement in the least. Because EVERYONE at some point in their life uses something to avoid what really needs handled...and my hope is for us all to get to place of enjoyment with certain things available in this life.

Good you are still here, listen my mask is burying myself in an unhealthy way in work. So I do get it, but you have to look up from whatever it is and face what needs faced, or you will never fully grow. When we don't face these situtaions they pile up. Even if nothing full on bubbles them to the surface, they are still there and all it will take is the correct triggering and...BAM! You find yourself trying to reason and understand why you are feeling all that you are, because you dealt with this...

If you have places within you that you have used a mask of some sort to convince yourself you have moved through whatever the situation was, even though you most likely have not, then your body, soul and mind are in a weighed down state. This low state will not allow your system to be able to fully show up for you, to put the necessary actions into motion, to match the affirmitaions you are endlessly speaking. You probably are thinking, what does she mean by mask? A mask is anything you do instead of doing what you need to do, such as...Drinking, drugs, burying yourself in work, surrounding yourself with people that help justify your bum mood or jumping into relationships to avoid what needed alone time might bring to the surface. A mask is anything you use to avoid feeling the 'pain' or having to apporach a hard moment. Some even try and spend their way into feeling better, usually creating even more problems. No judgements, I've been there. But I also learned the avoidance was a major reason movement was not happening in other areas of my life.

No one on this earth will go through their journey pain free. This is a myth, and a dangerous one, because it sets the stage with an unrealistic expectation. When bad or painful events happen it creates thoughts of great dispair if you are operating unrealistically. You start thinking, there is no way I can get through this. Every person comes to a fork in the road moment when that thought arises. Go through it to the other side, or put the mask on and go through the motions. Only one leads to a real other side, the other gives the illusion of you getting to the other side of the issue, while actually backing your system and you up in many ways.

As I said above, I've been a bartender for many of years. I too love a good alcoholic beverage from time to time, not a thing wrong with that. Drugs, been there done it, had some fun times. In no way endorsing drugs, only saying for me thankfully, there were good times. These were things I merely did for 'fun'. They were not the things I sought out when times were devasating. I am the classic withdrawer, work alcoholic, with a splash of over spending when I would mask up.

Whatever the mask is you wear to avoid, it's one of restraint. Over working and over drinking are equally hazardous to your being. Before you start breaking down rights or wrongs, they do not leave room for healthy movements, therefore they lean into hazardous. When these things are done to avoid, that's when it becomes a problem. Doing anything to cover the pain or to avoid, will only keep you living the illusion of dealt with that shit.

Going through things allows you to uproot and really deal with some shit. Masking keeps you on loop. It will also weigh every part of you down. When situations are left undealt with long enough, you may even start to see your phsyical show signs. It may be your energy is hard to come by, lacking drive, or even find yourself succumbing to illness more easily. And if your mask is drinking or drugs, your system really does not need more weighing down. So if you enjoy drinking or drugs, etc then it is time to make them an enjoyment in your life again...not a need. Bringing balance to yourself would allow you to partake of the 'bad for you' column with more grace and from a place of mere enjoyment. To get back to enjoyement it will require you to allow real time and space to dig within yourself and really deal with all the other things you have been avoiding. Uprooting the reasons why you mask gives you freedom to move in your life. Once you dig and do the inner work you often find those mask aren't as enjoyable as they once were. Maybe you find you feel better without it around. Sometimes you find your true enjoyment of the source again and treat it as such from there forth. There are those other times those things may become a rare occassion indulging. Whatever you find true about your mask after the journey, you move yourself back to enjoyment.

You are going to have to set the mask down for just a moment and let yourself be seen, felt and heard. It is brave to stand in front of a well aimed mirror and not wince. Allow yourself to unemotionally see yourself until you really love what you see. Be it grief, a trauma you've endured, a blow-up with a loved one, whatever it is that you keep pushing down, it is time to air it. Time to weed some things out that you really don't need, and that are not serving you. It is time to clear the ground for what you are really wanting to plant. Yes, this work will feel uncomfortable at times. Yes, it may even involve opening some old emotional wounds and really feeling some things. But I promise you, your entire being will thank you for doing this work! We each have sat through something that was uncomfortable and in the end not good for us. So what is the harm in allowing yourself to sit through an uncomfortable long enough, that will propel you to your greatness?

Even though drinking feels good at the time, or even spending your way to happy, the next day always comes. How do you feel after a night of avoidance drinking? Did you create a real problem by spending, and now you find yourself short? If it was drinking, even though you might have made it through the day, you most likely did not feel like being there. Everything was a drag. If you over spent are you happy now looking at your bank account? Now imagine had you took the parallel road and spent the evening (or day) not in judgement, but truly sifting through some things. Yes, you might feel mentally exhausted come morning, your face may even be swollen if tears were involved. But if you let yourself feel, hear and think about all sides and your parts in the matter then your new day started with a better understanding. Which means you are truly one step closer to the other side of whatever this is.

I have found that many fear root work because they fear what they might feel and for how long they may feel it. Others fear what they may have to let go of. Fear is meant to propel you, not consume you. When your vibe is higher, it allows you to see the problem for what it is and use fear as a resource. Not allowing yourself to become too worked up over any outcome one way or the other. It allows you to truly make an assessment. If you are in a lower vibe unknowingly, that is when that fear seems to be bigger than the room and takes over. That is also about the time you reach for your mask. The next time you find yourself in a moment of fear taking the room by storm, knowingly raise your vibe.

Here are a few things you can do to lift yourself in the conscious while repearing the subconscious. These knowing measures will create new habits because you will have to think about what and why you are doing this action. Each time of doing, no matter how trival it may feel, you are making your subconscious aware, "hey this is what we are doing now."

Foods Matter...

I am a foodie, so this is a reminder for us all! No one is saying take all your pleasures away, but you do need to find your balance. What you feed your body matters, and if your mask are ones that enter your body, then you really need to balance it out with your food intake. You cannot expect your body to produce correct actions without the proper fuel. Your mantras will thank you for doing this too.

  • Leafy greens, beetroot, raisins, figs, watermelons, dandelion, greens, almonds, high raw foods daily

This will help get you going, but understand healthy eating means eating what is right for your body. You should always research what your needs are and pick your foods accordingly. So many people think because they are eating healthy foods they are on the right page. It comes down to you and your body, what I need may differ from your needs. Root work allows you to become more aware of these answers as well.

Ground Yourself...

If you can, go the heck outside and walk. A body in positive motion does not have time to worry, stress or be depressed. Even when you cannot see the sun, she is there and has much to restore you with, so get out there and let her. Nature has a way of naturally calming you, so find a beach, the woods a hiking trail and just go explore! Call up a friend that makes you laugh. Yes it's ok to take a break from any type of work and share in some good healthy laughs. If you must submerge yourself with people, seek out those that relax you, bring joy, love and express gratitude. What surrounds you matters. Deep breathing, yoga, soak in a tub with lavender oil added.

Practice and enact forgiveness. First forgive yourself for whatever it is. No more dwelling! It has already happened, you are only feeling residual feelings from the matter. Feel them, and then LET THEM Go! We all have had something we couldn't forgive ourself for. With knowing how that feels, why would you want to live with that hanging in the background any longer? Forgiving yourself allows you to stare in the mirror a bit longer too. When you forgive yourself you are freeing yourself to no longer hold onto any parts or feelings surrounding whatever the situation was. That means that moment is where it all dies. It also allows you to be able to forgive others with true grace and understanding. Forgiveness is not an invation back to a relationship. There are times forgivness rebuilds bonds, and other times it simply acknowledges everyone understands and everyone is freed from all feelings, thoughts or fear of backlash to move forth in their respective lives. Only you know what is best when these times arise.

Music Plays A Major Role...

Even when you have background music playing, it matters and affects your vibe. Think about it, when you go shopping do you hear tear in my beer music playing? No, you hear music that makes you want to move, or sparks a love memory. They play things that make you want to stay around. Even stores that cater to rock/metal enthusisast, are playing the moving songs by your favorite artist. Relaxation music and classical music tones will raise you. There are so many hidden gems out there I have found by shuffling through those two words alone relaxation and classical on google play music. You just have to allow yourself to explore beyond what they hand you as music to find some really amazing artist who move and lift you. I know what most people think when they hear relaxation or classical, but its not all about sitting around chanting or Mozart. You simply have to step out of the box of what you know, from time to time to find out.

What Can Bring you Down Without Your Direct Awareness...

When you plow yourself with the following you set the stage for lower moods and vibes.

  • Hard alcohol

  • junk food

  • toxic relationships/toxic thoughts

  • yelling and arguing/holding onto the past

  • resentment/guilt/stuck in emotions such as anger

  • toxic personal care products/foods

  • toxic cleaning products

The list is as deep as it is wide for raising and lowering your vibe. But these are some things you can keep a look out for and to get you started. The further you go into your root work the more expanded and familiar you will become with other tools to aid your journey.

Pairing the vibe raising things mentioned above, with truly sifting through the roots of buried things, you will watch yourself become your mantras! A walking, talking, for real life, that you know is worth living. No it will not be easy, some days may feel harder than others. Funny, that is the truth whether you mask up or truly show up. So as they say, choose your hard.

May these small nuggets allow you to fertilize your seeds for your truest blossoming. It's a better you bubbling, you have the motivation and want. Will you lock into your discipline and give it the truest path to pave you on Through?

Here is one of my favortie songs ever, by a very talented artist that Prince was responsible for shinning light onto. May this help kick your work and goals into overdrive.

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Erica Parrótt/Eluminate/These Are The Times

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