An obsession...

An obsession...

Aug 25, 2021

I've been making music now for about 16 years and when I say "making"... I mean that I've been furiously scratching an irresistible itch that comes from somewhere within my soul. I'm not sure why music chose me, but it did. And here I am, for the last 5,840 days, thinking about music, dreaming about music, tinkering with music, suffering with music and healing with music. I can not deny that it is my personal therapy. It is also my obsession. One that I can't shake, nor do I want to. It became clear to me a handful of years ago that I have an ability through this obsession of mine, to touch people in ways that bring also bring them healing, joy and pure entertainment. I'm not exactly sure how this came to be, it wasn't like I wrote obsessively in class, at work, on the bus, and everywhere in-between with the intention to save the world; just my own. Although I accepted a long time ago that this has in some great way to do with my calling, it is now that I am toiling away in my young adulthood to be able to share this gift of music as much as possible with those who are meant to utilize it in their own ways - be it for inspiration, motivation, acknowledgement that they're not alone or escapism. Whatever it is that I am meant to do, I know that at some point it can not be done alone. Sometimes a cup of coffee is the fuel that gets me going when the tiredness of this long road tries to stop me in my tracks, and when the landlord is at the door. Thank you for helping me continue to obsess over music for you and anybody who needs a little bit of magic in their life. Your boy, Kev. 🔮✨ Maktub!

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