Manga Abyss V1.2

Manga Abyss V1.2

Aug 10, 2021


We would like to let you guys that our app was removed from playstore not because we want to, so we decided to make our app only available to download from a direct link pls visit the link for more information.

We created this page because we decided to not try and find another source of ads for our app and make it completely free without any kind of ads, is up to you if you like our app and want to help us feel free to support us here, the app will continue working forever, but for the updates in the future and any new features we are planning to add, for example, a feature many asked for is the ability to create an account and save their library in it to not lose it when removing the app. Those futures updates will depend on your support guys.

Thanks once again for sticking with us until now.

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