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It's not Barbaduno - It's Barbados

It's not Barbaduno - It's Barbados

Dec 16, 2021

Dear Reader 

It’s been a while - to say the least!!

How are ya. Hope you’re well 

I’m making my glorious and triumphant return from a little social media break to smugly share photos of the beautiful Caribbean Islands I’m currently performing on. 

I hope it’s raining and cold wherever you are 

I didn’t make any mention of the fact I was gonna take a bit of a break from social media because to be honest I would feel like a pretentious imposter by making a dramatic “I shall be taking an indefinite break from my online presence” as if the world will miss my badly taken photos of random dogs and occasional thirsty topless gym photos 

However having returned to a slew of messages and emails expressing concern (thank you very much for that by the way) I probably should have dropped a little something saying something to the above effect. So please forgive me if the next time I take a break I do a dramatic declaration on here and various formats. 

Anyway as I said the main reason I wanted to log back in is to share the photos of the beautiful golden sand and crystal clear waters of the Caribbean. Please see fig 1.0 below. 

The second reason I wanted to log back in was to express my thanks to all the incredibly generous people who have supported over the past few months either with lovely messages or through this platform. It was quite overwhelming to log back into some things and read through the lovely messages of support!

What's the craic?

Right, here's the update!!

I spent the summer in wonderful Cleveland as a member of the Choir Of Man - an incredible show which is bit part musical, bit part concert and full part great night out.

I had a wonderful time in the States and I have to say the American welcome might even rival the Irish one in terms of warmth and generosity of spirit! We felt incredibly at home in Ohio and we were met at every turn with open arms.

Post Choir Of Man I've been performing my solo show on various cruise lines. Starting in the Mediterranean and now moving out to the Caribbean for the winter which is delicious to say the least.

I did manage to get a few days at home with Big Mary the legend! Which was amazing but mainly I felt like a university student again. I basically arrived home, ate all her food, washed my clothes and then headed off again!! Did manage to squeeze in our Christmas swim and a few runs in the forest as well though. Halcyon days indeed.

So now I'm in Caribbean. Which is thoroughly lovely.

Although it is jarring being sunburnt in December when traditionally I would be half frozen and soaked in rain! But I'm VERY happy to be singing and telling a few stories. I'm on the Azura cruise ship at the minute but soon I transfer onto the Caribbean Princess for my first ever Princess cruise - so I'm very much looking forward to that. I've heard the food is meant to be incredible.

My own show is a fantastically self indulgent celebration of all the music I love to perform interspersed with some heavily embellished stories from my life (never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn)


That's the update - I've a few emails to get write back to and respond to lovely people! Talk to you soon (and by soon I mean not 4 months of radio silence)

Happy holidays whatever you're up to!


p.s. my friend Liz is still single (in classic fashion she was briefly dating an ex con) and now she also has the corona. She's fine (health wise - personality wise we can't be sure)

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