And here I am...

And here I am...

Mar 22, 2021

...knee-deep frantic and feeling kinda helpless, as my desktop is essentially D.O.A., sitting silent beside me now, somehow mocking me with it’s black-screen, a faint reflection of my said-frantic self looking longingly back at the lil’sh*t, who sits silently still. I would’ve taken a selfie to post here, if I weren’t so pathetically wearing a sweat-stained singlet, but that’s just a post-Sunday Monday-look anyways...

After years (the TOYSREVIL-Blog celebrated it’s 16th blogerversary in February just) of resisting asking for help, here I am humbly seeking help in: (A) funds with acquiring a new laptop (I seriously doubt I can afford a new desktop, so a refurbished Apple lappie will do, thanks)... and if all goes well, (B) Be able to sustain a semblance of a livelihood by continuing blogging on TOYSREVIL, and maintains my socials - all of which I do myself. For all intents and purposes, “TOYSREVIL” is just “Andy Heng”. There is no “team”, it’s all just me. I have not considered having a “team” all these years, simply because I could barely pay for myself (all payments for ads for the blog goes into supplementing my monthly medical requirements since my Stroke in 2010, so...).

No violins here tho. Folks who’ve read me know I talk straight (as I can), and that’s not going to change(ish), and with your support and patronage, I certainly hope to be able to continually do so online - so, THANK YOU!

Much love,


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