Top Narcissist Abuse Articles ☀️Free Lin ...

Top Narcissist Abuse Articles ☀️Free Links

Mar 18, 2021

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Remy Loz

💛 "How Discovering Narcissist Abuse Broke Me and Made Me Stronger"

"My therapist and I just have just started discussing my trauma caused by narcissist abuse. I needed to read this. Those questions you shared at the end really struck me. They reminded me why I want to keep pushing and do this emotional work. Thank you so much for sharing your journey." -Sondra Rose Marie (response)

💛 "I Almost Killed Myself 4 Years Ago; Now I Understand Narcissist Abuse"

"I would have clapped for every sentence of this article. There are so many similarities with my stories. You are right. Your voice and your story are part of the puzzle to raise awareness. Too many are still trapped, too many are still hurting, too many don’t understand." -Kara Summers (response)

💛 "How I Unraveled 26 Years of Narcissist Abuse"

"You are a success story! This piece is so beautiful in its honesty and vulnerability. I applaud you for being brave enough to share your story and help others who are not as far along on the journey. Your voice is important, powerful, and needed. Please never stop speaking up and telling your story!" -Suzanna Quintana (response)

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