Updates, bad news and grand news!

Updates, bad news and grand news!

Apr 27, 2022

So yes, it's been a moment.

Apologies first and foremost for not being on the front lines of explaining everything that's going on. I'm excited and also super sad over some of the things that have transpired. However I'm taking everything rather well, and giving a mega update today to let you guys know what's going on and what's going to happen!

So.. most of you know about my endometriosis. For those of you who don't, that's one of the biggest reasons why I started doing my AlphaKitt3n stuff, being able to be at home and work has been an absolute blessing while having to deal with something super painful. A "normal job" is hard to work with in regards to how sick I am all the time, so I've been so appreciative of everyone who has helped me along the way so I didn't have to work so much.

This year has been a year of getting to the bottom of my disease, taking time away from work, and focusing more on what will make me healthy and hopefully.. what will cure my Endo. That being said, so far this year has already been overwhelming and difficult. Between doctors, surgeons, research, and life in general.. it's been super difficult to balance.

Unfortunately my AlphaKitt3n stuff has had to take a backseat.. however.. it isn't going away. The original plan was to start with a new plan and rollout.. until a lightning storm hit my coaxial cable and killed my computer 🤣😭😭

While my computer is being shipped and fixed, I will be continuing on what I can do with my business, as well as all my streaming stuff without the cool bells and whistles. Playing catch up with my photoshoots and blogs, as well as all my fun info.

Slowly you guys will see changes set up, and once I get my computer back I can do a full roll out of what's coming and what I have in mind for my overall business.

I want my business to reflect who I am, my life, and what I believe is the right things to do. So much plays such a big part of my life, and I think you guys should be a part of that. That being said, I am eternally grateful for all the love you guys give and the support you've given thus far!

I'll be posting and showing you guys what I've been up to for the remainder of this week. Stay tuned, because next week we'll be getting back to the regularly but newly scheduled programming. So don't forget to stay in touch on my socials and twitch!

Good things happen, even when it doesn't seem like it is. And I'm learning this everyday.

Thanks guys! And check it all out ❤️😘

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