Belated Monday Update 6/29/2021

Belated Monday Update 6/29/2021

Jun 29, 2021

Happy... Tuesday? Oops, I completely forgot to do the Monday update yesterday. Last week was hectic, with a retina doc appointment and our dog deciding to jump off our back porch with a stick in her mouth, resulting in an emergency trip to the vet.

Friday saw us madly cleaning the house in anticipation of a weekend visit with friends who, sadly, had to cancel due to their little one feeling under the weather. I don't know what energy was out in the universe last week, but woof did it hit us hard.

Thankfully, our little lady is feeling much better. While I did take some time to relax (slash stress out about our dog), I managed to put some words out into the world, as well:

That's all for this week! Thanks for taking the time to check out this Monday update. Your support is appreciated!

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