8 Shocking Facts About Cellulite

8 Shocking Facts About Cellulite

Jul 22, 2020

Cellulite is an unpleasant thing. When your skin resembles an “orange peel”, women try to hide it under long skirts and trousers. Some people still think, that cellulite occurs only in obese people, but that’s not true. This problem does not depend on weight. Fairly thin women can have cellulite. Here are even more facts about cellulite, which will help you distinguish fiction from reality.

Women suffer from cellulite more often than men

Women usually have more fat on the buttocks and hips and less supportive connective tissue in these places, so cellulite appears much more often. The amount of men suffering from cellulite is only about 10%.

Cellulite increases with age

Hormones play an important role in the appearance of cellulite. The female body produces less estrogen with age. This hormone helps the blood circulate through the vessels. Reduced amounts of estrogen contributes to poor circulation, less collagen production and the breakdown of old connective tissue.

Cellulite can be transmitted genetically

Yes, cellulite can be inherited. If your parents or grandparents had cellulite, then most likely you will have it as well. In fact, there is even a special genetic test that determines this predisposition. Still, if your relatives don’t have smooth skin, cheer up! Genetics is just one of the factors affecting the appearance of cellulite. Other factors such as proper nutrition, exercise, and weight maintenance are also important.

Exercising reduces cellulite 

Regular exercising cannot cure cellulite, but in most cases it helps to prevent or reduce it. Cellulite occurs when the connective fibers under the skin become weak or lose their elasticity. Stretching and strengthening the muscles will give a good result. The skin will tighten, making cellulite less noticeable. The most effective are the exercises for the buttocks and thighs. Yoga, as well, can strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation.

Contour skin fillers remove cellulite 

Contour skin fillers are used mainly to correct cheekbones and remove facial wrinkles. They can n be effective against cellulite, but only temporarily. For those who are thin and have cellulite, fillers are suitable. However, the procedure is very expensive, and the effect lasts only for a few months.

Non-invasive cellulite treatments really work

Laser, radiofrequency, and massage techniques can reduce cellulite, but they are effective for short terms only. They are much more effective than anti-cellulite creams, however, more expensive. After 10-15 sessions you may see some significant results. After treatment, monthly support procedures are necessary. 

Certain foods help fight cellulite

It is difficult to say, whether you will have cellulite or not when you improve your nutrition. Still, a well-balanced diet reduces inflammation throughout the body and helps maintain a healthy weight. Replenish the water balance, both by consuming water and products with high water content. This will make the connective tissue more elastic and strong, and even contribute to your weight loss. Eat more vegetables and fruit that contain more than 90% water.

Smoking can affect the appearance of cellulite 

Cigarette smoking squeezes blood vessels and impairs collagen formation. That causes the connective tissue to stretch and become susceptible to damage. This makes it easier for subcutaneous fat to penetrate through. Smoking has a bad impact on your appearance. The skin becomes dry and gray, begins to age faster, and wrinkles may appear ahead of time. Besides, smoking contributes to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

Cellulite is present in almost all women and can be defeated with a healthy lifestyle and cosmetic procedures. The main thing is to believe in yourself and be patient, because getting rid of cellulite is a rather lengthy process. It is important to develop a healthy attitude towards your body, learn to love it and appreciate the changes that happen to it. 

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