Amit Unboxed
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RocketCEO #7 - Manasi Mahajan

RocketCEO #7 - Manasi Mahajan

May 03, 2022

RocketCEO is an interesting collection of startup stories, where we interview inspiring CEOs and Founders who have taken a leap from Zero to One and tell their stories to the entire world.

Recently we got an opportunity to interview Manasi Mahajan - Breakfast Caterer and below is the essence of the same, an incredible journey towards success.

Manasi Mahajan - Breakfast Caterer

Amit Unboxed: What service(s) or product(s) does your business offer/manufacture?

We provide best-in-class Breakfast Catering at Purnabrahma Caterers.

Amit Unboxed: In which cities/countries you are providing services or operating your business?

Currently in Pune (India).

Amit Unboxed: What is your background? What you were doing before you got into the entrepreneurship?

I was working in Abudhabi as a Senior captain in an Italian restaurant at Hotel Zakher.

Amit Unboxed: How did you get your idea or concept for the business? What made you work on that idea or concept?

Before I got married my husband was working on a cruise in Miami and I was in Abudhabi. He too is a catering graduate like me. So after our marriage, we decided to settle in our hometown and started Purnabrahma Caterers.

Amit Unboxed: What is the unique selling/buying point about your business? How do you manage to deal with your competitors?

Our USP is that we never say NO to any client. We have delivered at 4 in the morning too.

Amit Unboxed: How do you advertise your business?

Our majority of the clientele is through word-of-mouth publicity only. But we are open to analyzing other media channels and activities (if they are productive enough) too.

Amit Unboxed: What do you look for in an employee?

Sincerity and dependability. The work nuances can be taught but the person has to have a will to learn and grow.

Amit Unboxed: Have you ever turned down a client? Why?


Amit Unboxed: Who is your inspiration idol in life? Why?

Ratan Tata. He is the epitome of humbleness and values in spite of rising to such a high level in life. I love his attitude of taking his employees along with him on his growth path.

Amit Unboxed: How do you maintain balance with your family and business? Do you think if you were not in business, you would have been able to give more time to your family?

My husband and I, both work as a team. So most of the time we are together only. I have a son and we endure that he is the nucleus of whatever we do. We have our separate catering unit but in our residential bungalow only. This ensures that we are available for our son whenever it is needed.

Amit Unboxed: What do you call “Success”? What are those things which you think made you successful today?

Success for me is sleeping without any guilt in your heart and adding some value to the lives of the people who are working for you.

Amit Unboxed: If you had one piece of advice or an important lesson to someone just starting out, what would it be?

The path as an entrepreneur is not at all easy. Dedication, persistent efforts and very strong faith in your journey are very essential for you to succeed.

Amit Unboxed: Anything else you would like to convey us about yourself or your business?

After 20 years in the business, we had started with nothing at all and struggled to make ends meet. Now we are having women in our team who are working with us and financially supporting their families. This thought of empowering women makes me happy… Really happy. 😊

Important Note: RocketCEO is a copyrighted brand created, developed and powered by Pineapple Group. If you want us to interview you, kindly write us at [email protected].

That’s it for today :-)

Hope each of you has a great start to your day. I’ll talk to everyone tomorrow.

— Amit

I am a technology enthusiast, entrepreneur & creative thinker, who enjoys crafting Tech Products to make a real difference.

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