May, you be loved, May, you be blessed.

May, you be loved, May, you be blessed.

May 01, 2023

The month that brings you Mother’s Day, and unofficial start of summer (Memorial Day). How very appropriate that our card for this month is the Sacral Chakra. 

The Sacral is our collective womb, wherein lie our desires unexpressed. Waiting to be born, so very patiently, and impatiently at times. It is this chakra that the self begins, the 2nd chakra from the bottom yet the 6th from the top. The classical ruler of emotions, and in human design, our center of power and energy. 

I started writing a story inspired by my Sacral Chakra healing work that I dove into very strongly in 2020, after my sacral actively told me to sit tor lay the fuck down, and forced me to make some strong decisions in 2019. This led to my rediscovery into human design, my deconditioning process and the constant check in with my sacral. Which, I realized after I started writing that it was tooo much for the public eye, and will be going out as part of the Chakra check in, which is starting back up this week.

In order to participate in this round, and get added into a reiki box for the next 6 months, you can join Amor Seeds officially by clicking here , or following the prompts here on buy me a coffee. The membership includes discounts on readings and reiki sessions.

So, this month is about honoring your creative urges. Honor your creator, the divine feminine within and externally. The essences of femininity that are found within our Earth and Water elements. Restoring balance with our connection the the cycles of the moon.

Being present and expressive with your sexuality. Move your hips, feel and connect to those crystals that move your spirit. Allow yourself time to think about your relation to your sacral chakra, because that is the leading energy of this May.

Also, did you know that May is named after the Goddess Maia, the goddess of fertility?

Chakra for this month:


Crystals for the month


Green Aventurine

Red Jasper

May Dates 

May 1- Pluto Retrogrades in Aquarius

May 5-Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (Circle at Noon EST)

May 7- Venus enters Cancer

May 14- Mercury goes Direct in Taurus

May 15- Registration Closes for Energy Healer (click here to enroll)

May 16- Jupiter enters Taurus

May 19- New Moon in Taurus ( Circle at 10:30am EST)

May 20- Mars Enters Leo 

May 21- Sun enters Gemini

May 27- Reiki I Class

May 28- Reiki II Class

Have an amazing May!

Love you,

Claudia Adalgisa,

Soul Coach, Reiki Master Teacher

creator of Amor Personified

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