Jan 19, 2022

Well everyone, congress just took our expert advice and is now threatening in the same overtone we did, when we wrote a letter to them threatening the same 'reform the senate' speech.

We made it clear though, if they teeter and faulter off the way from the strong warning we described them (only a few days ago), the country will suffer major shipwreck.

Therefore we told them, 'read carefully the report written on the white boy's statistics via our military wawf folder, alongside our capabilities statement.

Now everyone, keep your ears open in the media for what congress shall reply with next!

Netanyahu, while he was in his last days of office was told to read it himself. Which him at the time at governmental ability to access it via his leadership pass, commented via his Instagram that it was an over priced gig, made up for executives with obviously overrated salaries. He of course is now out of office after not taking it litteral. Though its within a specially marked folder via ALR's military contractor's wawf account, and set in a specific folder marked for only specific bodies to have both clearance and importance to the document. One thing though he also failed to realize is, is that our system charges an arm and a leg for getting justice, and the very one's who are meant to fight for their client and free them from charges, charges themselves hefty prices most people can't afford. And when your in places locked away, and under the control of others who can cover anything up, saying a problem was this or that, having the means of covering hospital bills, and money in spending accounts to make phone calls to sources on the outside, so that he or she located may check in with loved ones and people who care for them, where at times, life threatening matters are prevalent. And then of course, Netanyahu wouldn't had thought about this one too before scoffing, the no brainer idea of having to pay high insurance rates, which our most beloved and highly respectable congressmen themselves - favor the large companies including the insurance industry. Yes, the one's that most congressmen and women are prominent proud stakeholders of.

And this is why we had to carefully audit our bill, highly and over rate the prices, so that they may fill the needed and required services billed by the multimillion/multibillion dollar bailout companies - who those scoffing at this 'over priced bill' sat in motion the high prices to begin with!

The funding to get agents out of messes like that are expensive. No better thanks to the ones in office to begin with. But of course, Netanyahu clearly understood that onen 'it's the operational costs here, not the overly high paid salaried men and women who have risked their lives, and continue to risk their lives while obtaining the information carefully outlined and described within our data package.

We know, and believe! Netanyahu while sitting in his PM seat, clearly knew and understood the dangers in such an operation to gain such data. And him in his high sat position could easily see the importance of the data when the WAWF folder was marked for specifics, and those specifics have to have certain clearances to gain entrance into such WAWF folders.

Now, these high prices weren't for overly paid salaried people. It was to cover the costs of whatever these slimy officials and attorney sleezes bill the people, and their clients. As well as making richer the already large companies, who never would had gone anywhere to begin with, so that the prices of these large companies can boost its revenue and cause the shares to be worth much more than the agents within our program gains and dangers they incur, so that those able to read the collected data on WAWF may delve deeper into what we gave advice to for senate and congress. These are actual quotes received while doing research into setting the price.

`It was a simple take it or leave it offer', that was spoken to the one behind the research, who carefully wrote out the offer for the govt within this contract.

Not a single individual within this program was overly paid or high salaried when former PM of Israel tried scoffed.

Now, let's see how congress reacts to this insight of carefully skillfully created and prepared data. Perhaps they won't be like the last scoffer.

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