The Reason Behind The American Civil War ...

The Reason Behind The American Civil War, And Its Great Deception

Sep 04, 2021

We all know by now how America's history is not what we've been taught. In fact, the real reason why the confederacy fought against and refused to join the union along with Lincoln was the utter destruction of the states and democracy. It was the birth of a new statehood that had been dreamed up for years by those in industry corporatization and capitalism. It was the beginning of the mother corporation The United States which gave birth to Dun & Bradstreet, which caused each state to become ratified as corporations under the umbrella of The United States as its mother corporation, then making every person ever born within the corporation or its subsidiaries known as states, to then become subsidiaries of each state.

When they saw this it caused a great split and divided something much more than what we see of now.

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