A go with Phthalo Blue!

A go with Phthalo Blue!

Apr 20, 2022

11x14 Stonehenge Aqua. Hake, rigger, scraper. Lemon Yellow, Raw Sienna, Burnt sienna, Burnt Umber, light red oxide, Phthalo Blue, Paynes Grey. Another focus on Phthalo Blue...but halfway into the painting I realized I hadnt used any phthalo blue! I mapped out the landscape with burnt sienna and raw sienna, using paynes grey to plan out my darks. I created the sky using raw sienna, light red oxide and paynes grey. When I finally remember to use Phthalo Blue :P I mixed it with a variety of earth tones to create my greens. It seems as though it can be boiled down to these 3 recipes if you want to simplify things to start off. phthalo blue and raw sienna give a mellow green, while phthalo blue and lemon yellow can give a more popping great. Phthalo blue and burnt umber give a fantastic dark! most dark/ black marks are made with this combination. Enjoy! Andrew Broussard https://youtu.be/mBGRprxEpgM

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