Clearing Out Clutter, Negativity and Tox ...

Clearing Out Clutter, Negativity and Toxicity

Jan 17, 2021

I don't remember what it felt like when you did not have devices, apps, statuses, stories, and check-ins all around you constantly. I don't remember what it used to be like when you did not have other people's highlights reels and fake positivity constantly forced down your throat—this does not only extend to photography world because this goes way beyond and seeps into every aspect of our lives.

We are conditioned to showcase and reveal everything about ourselves online, which turns us, our hobbies, our passions, our interests, our experiences, even our latest trips and purchases into consumables, whether it's our updated CV on Linkedin, mindless scrolls on Instagram seeing only the highest heights of people's lives, energy-sucking Facebook posts, fleeting thoughts and ideas cut down to fit on Twitter feed, and more. There are oh-so-many amazing and beautiful things about social media but there is also the dark side, and we need to be realistic about its impacts on us and our mental health.

Recently, I started removing people or business that I used to follow who worked on showing their positivity so hard it become overbearing. There comes a point where you realise that in order for you to genuinely feel more positive about yourself and your life choices, you have to remove those whose energy is too over powering and begins to suck out some of yours, too.

I strongly believe that you should surround yourself with things, people and experiences that enrich your life not with those who become the so-called energy vampires. You only have a limited amount of energy every single day and you cannot afford to let it dissipate before you have had a chance to do anything positive or meaningful with it yourself.

We all receive and find motivation in different ways so take time to find what works for you and in what doses. You don't need to listen to a motivational podcast every single morning just because that's what someone famous on Forbes list does; you don't need to follow and support only those at the very top even though their social media highlight reel might make you feel insufficient.

There are so many amazingly talented and inspiring people scattered all across the world in many different industries and with fascinating backgrounds who don't necessarily lead the Instagram-worthy lifestyle but they have real power to inspire and to bring positivity in your life. They carry real stories and authentic experiences; they are not perfect but flawed just like every human being on this planet. But, their multidimensional character and life's story is what gives it its power.

There's definitely nothing wrong with cutting out certain people or things that bring you feelings of dissatisfaction with your own life, unworthiness, and more. There is no reason why you should surround yourself with that—even if it means cutting out someone you know, you need to think about yourself first and foremost.

There is so much noise on the Internet nowadays so it's not always easy to filter out all the things that are wrong for you and your life, the things that bring you stress, feelings of anxiety or dissatisfaction and instead focus on finding voices that bring you positivity, reason, true motivation to pursue your dreams and strengths.


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