The book is out

The book is out

Jul 25, 2021

What a great news I have!

My first book is out! I was writing it for a long time, and now it's finally published!

You can find out more about it on my website:

But a quick synopsis is warranted.

The world of the Lands is filled with dangerous beasts, warmed by lava lakes, fresh with exotic plants, and infused with magic of nature. This land is inhabited by great many people, but the most numerous and influential of them are called igni. Not only do their species have a very distinct look, their culture and way of life are also quite exceptional. This book will familiarize you a bit with them, their world and their way of life.

The first story will tell you about Sabiri and Iskrila. One day, their quiet and pleasant life was assaulted, their well-being endangered, forcing them to retaliate. They had to protect not only themselves, but their whole village. Just like in old times, yet now the threat came from the most unlikely place. Will Sabiri and Iskrila be able to prevail? To what lengths will they be willing to go? Will they be able to show kindness to their enemies, or will they destroy them in the bitter rage?

The second story will tell you about Bacara and Maria. We will follow them on their journey to obtain magical artifacts of immense power. Or no power at all. You would need to be a mage to know, to understand such objects, to control them. But without a mage to help them, Maria and Bacara have to act blindly, all to gain an advantage against their foes. Will they find their prize? Will the artifacts obey their new masters, or destroy them?

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