The bad and good

The bad and good

Apr 25, 2021

I got the news that my nanna (dads mum) passed away she was 94 years old and an amazing woman. She loved chatting and going to the pokies and trying her luck. She loves my art and would often ask to look through my artworks on my phone and ask questions about each one. Her funeral was on Friday and it was a beautiful service. She also loved playing darts and going crabbing. When I was a kid and we went to visit nan and pop the adults would play cards for 1 and 2 cent pieces i was small enough I’d often sit under the table and wait for money to drop. Looking back I’m sure my nan and pop knew I was there because they’d drop more then normal.

I miss her already but I also know that when I’m grieving I end up getting lost in the depression and stop drawing. This time I’m trying to draw through the pain. My nan would want me too and I know that I can’t stop if I’m really going to make this work.

But I’ve also got some other good news to share I’ll be starting the Neis program soon to learn the business side of everything. With art I’m comfortable with business I’m not but I’m excited to learn and grow as an artist and business woman lol

Very soon I’ll be adding even more products to redbubble and Etsy and crafting some myself at home that I’ll have on Etsy made to order !!! So many good things are happening and I wouldn’t of gotten even this far without the support I’ve been given.. I’m not religious but I truly feel blessed by having so many good positive people in my life even though most of you I’ve only met via social media I count you as friends. I just wanted to update you all and upload some more pics of what I’ve been doing. It’s kinda really cool to see how I’m progressing

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