april 四月

Apr 04, 2022

i learnt that in taiwan when spring arrives there follows a sudden brief detour back to wintertime, except this time accompanied by the rain that the new season promises, almost like the two have merged temporarily out of confusion, that cold still doesnt yet want to let, or that spring is still learning to emerge again, like a child learning to walk proper. it feels very much a reflection of change, of how we feel we are ready and are on the path to a new part of our lives only to be periodically afflicted and pulled back by memories of the past. makes me think if we can ever be ready, or if the past is ever past, and instead just transmuted into something else in the present.

yesterday i was having my first meal and watching a television programme about a family of single mother and three daughters living in a big cluttered house in the UK who have been selected to be part of a week-long home refurbishing design. a team dedicated to helping them removed every non-furniture object from the house and placed it all, neatly sorted into categories, in a black box space where the family then has to decide what to keep and what to throw. shoes, toiletries, makeup, toys, an old wedding dress, notebooks, memories. one of the teenagers said she wanted to get rid of the toys of when she was still a child because to keep them around meant she wasnt ready to part with them, meant she was still resisting growing up, meant she wanted to remain a child, like the objects were holding her back, the objects in our environment a physical realisation of our inner world. at the end the house became clean and organised, very much like a modern suburban house with white walls and colourful furniture, but also almost too like every other suburban house, or an ikea store. i didnt much enjoy the final result, though i appreciated the labour, because it felt too clean, too history-less, fake, even. i cant enjoy too new or clean. i like some lived-in. i think it is because i have learnt that there is never a new blank slate, having come to taiwan for half a year now, with all the objects that i have preserved in my two and a half decades worth of living, and witnessing that i have had made connections already here, with the people and the environments, that i will always carry with me inside wherever i go, i know for myself what i am amalgamated of. does this mean i want to remain a child, refusing grownup realities? 

march has been volleying between taichung and tainan, living between yipeng's house and my studio. these few days we begin tearing down and documenting our almost two-month-long exhibition. its funny that it seems almost the weather had not changed. when we were readying the exhibition we were accompanied by rain and cold, and while in between the sun peeked and beamed for us, now we work again accompanied by rain and cold. it is almost as if the sky is telling us there is enough water in taichung, dont bring any more water from taipei or tainan. we pour the waters away, and work to return the gallery to what it once was.

this is a new video i made to document the end of our exhibition 台中的水:

水 am also reserving a reservoir


i was talking to a friend in school about the idea of organising, in relation to our upcoming group exhibition at the end of the year. i pop over to his studio often, which has become a sort of communal area for the classmates in my year, where we cook and hang out or do meetings. sometimes i go there just to have a smoke with him. we dont talk too much probably because we both dont really like to talk, or think we dont talk well, or think there isnt really much to say? sometimes when im there i like to move objects around, of books, stationary, small ornaments, package boxes, etc, create new compositions, new relationships. he cleans and organises the space frequently because people bring and leave things. groceries come along with their packaging trash, snacks and their wrappers, dirt on shoes, smoke leaves ash, dust sits, etc. we rearrange, organise, or we try to, because the world at large is an entire mess. we organise our personal space because at least that is something we can control, at least there are these personal objects we can move about and know where we want to keep them and where they are. understandably! since our emotions, our inner thoughts, are so prone to their ups and downs and spins whenever! and, then, anything can happen: a new respiratory virus, an earthquake, losing a loved one. it is a sisyphean task, to organise in a world that naturally tends to chaos. but so it is to continue living, to actively or passively choose against death, which is the easiest path, we live in order to keep living, we organise only to keep organising. maintenance. but perhaps this is just the way life is, that it naturally welcomes chaos, and we can only try to make sense of it in our own way, to organise a manifestation of that understanding.

april feels like organising. which i originally thought was incompatible with the powerful motivation of the aries force coming through, ready to charge ahead. i thought it would be a waste to use all the creative energy to sort my life. but it would probably be a waste to not use all this energy to sort, because there is so much to sort! and i am only in the initials of a very full year, my fullest year if ever, professionally. i have a couple more situations this year where i have the opportunity to present myself and my work to the public, so all the more i have to keep myself accountable. three areas i want to organise are:

  • my work. i want to properly archive the work i have been doing the past half a year, which also means renewing my website, refresh myself, check if all that is there still appropriately coincides with and reflects who i am now. and then there are the work appointments, meetings, submission deadlines, exhibitions to prepare for, etc.

  • my relationships. who i want to keep in contact with more. who i want to say goodbye to. which of these i want to transform to a different shape. who do i want to meet now, who do i want to meet in the future. how can i communicate better. 

  • my studies. its my second semester, which stretches from march to end june. but this time because i have a big-ish event to attend to, i will be away in june. this means i have essentially two months left of this semester. and i have to produce 3 new works, which im mostly excited about even if time is stretching thin.

speaking of time! i forget how quickly we grow old. or we are never really aware when we are young! i will be 28 in a week and i already envy the young, or the young early twenties that i was. so formidable, so unafraid, so handsome! even if insecure. it definitely feels like there seems so much more at stake the more we become experienced in the world even as our confidence grows, and sometimes we also lose the simple joys that come with our naivete. i suspect there is more to lament about growing up but i am glad at least i am still allowing myself to play, to trust my intuition, still allow myself to learn and relearn how to hold space, how to say no to holding space, how to be firm and kind in refuse, how to recharge myself, and how to make art! i wish for you a childish willingness to try in aries season, and to harness the energy that is everyones favourite sign. here is a spotify playlist i made to commemorate the aries force coming through: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3l3pVVz9Xe4h3LSePBu6en?si=oaka0k-0Q7S0gulBNAtRgg





水 am also reserving a reservoir




  • 工作。我想要好好整理和紀錄我這半年所做的。就是更新網站,檢討一下那裡的設計和內容是不是還跟我合適相當。還有一些工作上的會議,投件期限,要準備的展覽,等。

  • 感情。我想跟誰多接觸。有誰我想告別。我想要把那些目前的關係轉換成更成熟更妥當的樣子。我現在想見誰,我以後想見誰。我要怎麼更好的溝通。

  • 課業。這三月到六月尾是我第二學期。但因為我有一個計畫所以六月不能好好上課。實際的這學期我只有兩個月剩。我需要做出三樣新作品。雖然時間有點緊繃,但我還是滿期待的。


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