Flutter Web and WASM

Flutter Web and WASM

Dec 05, 2020

Website: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/flutter-web-wasm/

We will cover briefly about

  1. Precise Intro about WASM

  2. Web Assembly (WASM) using AssemblyScript

  3. Integrate with Flutter Web

Intro to WASM

  • WebAssembly (Wasm) is inspired by the Assembly language. Assembly language is the lowest form of text-based human-readable language which generates optimized fast programs in machine code.

WebAssembly is creating a language that can run as fast as closer to Assembly speeds but on the Web.

  • The idea behind WebAssembly is to create a toolchain for other programming languages like C, C++, Rust, etc. to compile directly to WebAssembly. This way, web programmers can write programs in the language of their choice and run inside a browser.

Note: WebAssembly file is a binary file of standard WebAssembly instruction, and should not be written by hand instead compiled. However, it supports a Text Format called Wat that can be read by us.

Medium: https://medium.com/flutter-community/flutter-web-and-wasm-49217497b0ed

Website: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/flutter-web-wasm/

DevTo: https://dev.to/aseemwangoo/flutter-web-and-wasm-4n7o

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