Flutter2 Widgets - Link | RawAutoComplet ...

Flutter2 Widgets - Link | RawAutoComplete | CupertinoFormSection

Mar 07, 2021

Website: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/widgets-in-flutter2/

We will cover briefly about

  1. Link

  2. CupertinoSearchTextField

  3. CupertinoFormSection

  4. CupertinoFormRow

  5. CupertinoTextFormFieldRow

  6. ScaffoldMessenger

  7. RawAutoComplete


As quoted by Flutter’s Product Manager Chris Sells

Flutter has built a foundation for building richly interactive web applications. We primarily focused on performance and improvements to our rendering fidelity. 

One of such web-specific features is the Link widget

   uri: Uri.parse('https://flatteredwithflutter.com'),
   builder: (_, followLink) {
     return ElevatedButton(
        onPressed: followLink,
        child: Text('Click me!!'),

Note: This widget is present inside the url_launcher package

Medium: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/flutter2-widgets-link-rawautocomplete-cupertinoformsection-6e75f8f1127a

Website: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/widgets-in-flutter2/

DevTo: https://dev.to/aseemwangoo/flutter2-widgets-link-rawautocomplete-cupertinoformsection-66a

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