Testing BLoC in Flutter

Testing BLoC in Flutter

Feb 27, 2021

Website: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/testing-bloc-in-flutte/

We will cover briefly about

  1. Convention for Tests

  2. Mocking Github API

  3. Writing tests for BLoC

1. Convention for Tests

In general,

  • test files should reside inside a test folder located at the root of your Flutter application or package.

  • Test files should always end with _test.dart.

  • Tests are placed under the main function

void main() {
  • If you have several tests that are related to one another, combine them using the group function.

void main() {
  group('YOUR GROUP OF TESTS', () {
    test('TEST 1', () {
    test('TEST 2', () {
  • You can use a terminal to run the tests by

flutter test test/'YOUR TEST FILE NAME'.dart

Medium: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/testing-bloc-in-flutter-2deb1a1758ff

Website: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/testing-bloc-in-flutte/

DevTo: https://dev.to/aseemwangoo/testing-bloc-in-flutter-h2d

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