New Moon in Scorpio 2021 — Frustrations ...

New Moon in Scorpio 2021 — Frustrations and sudden changes

Nov 02, 2021

Photo by in Free Stock Photos

{Image description: Photograph of an impending storm. The rough sea in shades of grey, with waves and some rocks at the bottom left, occupies the lower half of the photo. In the upper half, the heavy sky with black clouds opens a little in the center and then the clouds are lighter and some light passes.}

New Moon: 12˚ Scorpio 40’ | GMT: Nov. 4.2021, 9:14 pm | EDT: Nov. 4.2021, 5:14 pm


We’ve all felt the thrust forward during the last couple of weeks. The Libra lunation was intense and included three planets changing from retrograde motion to direct, unblocking some topics in our lives that were feeling stale for a while and in desperate need of change. Well, that was just the beginning. This lunar month, things are really going to shake up.

We already know that Scorpio is never a walk in the park. If anything, we could say it’s a deep-sea dive: profound, intense, and you never really know what you’re going to find. And this year’s Scorpio lunation is also packed with courage, rebellion and power struggles.


This lunation begins in the sign of the scorpion, a water sign. But this is not the nurturing water of Cancer, or the infinite fluid water of Pisces. These are the contained waters of wells, swamps and subterranean rivers. The emotions of this sign can be very focused and intense, like a laser beam, but they remain hidden until the Scorpio is certain of their success, or until there’s nothing left to loose.

Their intentionality can be either tenaciously bold or totally manipulative. Just like the poison of the scorpion, which can be either healing or deadly, depending on how careful you handle it.

Opposition to Uranus in Taurus

The closest aspect of this lunation, almost to the minute, is the opposition Sun and Moon are making to Uranus. The rebellious and sudden energy of this planet is pulled into this month in a very in-your-face, confronting manner. We may find ourselves in odd, unexpected situations where we are prompted to show a more unfeigned side of ourselves, or at least to come up with new and fresh solutions to old problems.

The new moon opposition to Uranus is also activating the ongoing tension between this planet and Saturn in Aquarius, which has been present since the beginning of the year. Change is inevitable, and collectively we are living through a shift of social paradigm. It is obvious that the old way of functioning has become obsolete, but, although we can already glimpse what lies ahead, it’s difficult for the power structures to let go of habits and even privileges that felt so comfortable before.

Of course, this also translates into a more individual level. We have all been feeling change coming into our lives. In some areas, we may have found that we need to tear down old foundations and implement new ones; in other areas we may crave more freedom, more authenticity and more truth.

Mars in Scorpio

The brave and determined Mars is playing a very busy role this lunar month. Not only does he rule this new moon, being the lord of Scorpio, but he’s also going to trigger much of the action impending from the tension described above.

Being in the same sign as the Sun and the Moon, Mars’ separating and dividing nature is not going to be missed during the next weeks. Before the full moon, this planet is going to square Saturn, causing an increasing feeling of frustration, and oppose Uranus, precipitating the action. All this is going to unleash the already strained rumble between the old structures and a new way of living our lives and organizing ourselves collectively.

Mars is challenging both the established hierarchies and the new vision for a more humane, diverse and inclusive society. Although we know that change is coming, some of us are trying to delay the breaking point or to control the damage. For others change is not coming fast enough. But is this the correct move, are we going in the right direction? 

This month we just can’t stall things anymore, and Mars is going to make sure that the crack between past and future opens wide enough so that we can’t even dream to go back. It might not yet be the change you want or even need, but have faith that this is a move towards the your future.

New Moon Synthesis

We are already feeling restless, and this new moon arouses strong and deep desires for change that just can’t be put to rest. But there’s resistance, either from other people, outside circumstances or from within ourselves, and this creates frustration and even more restlessness. Push comes to shove, and before we know it, we have set a revolution into motion.

Around what issue in your life do you feel you need to lay bare your truth? What foundations are no longer supportive and have to be replaced? Where do you need courage and audacity to cut out whatever is making you sick? What new structure, ready or not, is getting a test drive?

This lunar month is about frustration, sudden change, erratic destabilization, rebellion and moving forward while going around in circles. The full moon eclipse on the 19th is going to add another layer of drama to these dynamic weeks. Make yourself light, cut whatever is holding you back and don´t resist change, because it’ll only make it harder. Above all, keep your focus, stand your ground, own your truth, and don’t let yourself get tangled in fruitless power struggles or childish disobedience.

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