Our first weekly prompt!

Our first weekly prompt!

Oct 05, 2020

Hello everyone,

After the rain yesterday we have a bit of Autumnal sun on the Island!

Which means it's a great day for this weeks creative prompt.

Every Monday, as part of your The Seasonal Sketchbook membership, I'll be publishing a creative prompt to get you thinking about how to populate your sketchbooks this week.

This week it's.....

Autumn finds!

This can encompass anything that you 'find' this week. It could be a conker, a leaf, an amazing fact, even. It could be inspired by a book you are reading right now. Or a seasonal walk through a park. What about the view from your window, or how the low autumn light hits a vase in your living room?

You can use any material you like. Take a few moments to connect with the subject you are drawing and think about why you are drawing it, feel free to make notes on time, place, feelings in your sketchbook. Revisit the 'looking at line' worksheet to think about how you can set up the scaffolding of your drawing.

Work in progress

Here are some photos of where I have taken this week's creative prompt. I 'found' some sycamore seeds in my back garden and thought how clever and amazing they were in terms of design. I used brown ink and a paintbrush to capture them loosely in my sketchbook.

I also took some photos on my iPhone and am using that reference to create an embroidery using lots of lines in lots of colours to build up texture and tone. The material is from a charity shop and the threads are DMC stranded cotton from a variety of old cross-stitch projects.

Here's a couple more photos that may inspire you. I 'found' myself indoors yesterday and thought how beautiful the rain was on the window. And today I 'found' a mass of shimmering seaweed down on the seafront, blown there by a strong tide.

I'd love to know how you get on, so please feel free to post your work in progress, finished pictures or any 'Autumn Finds' photos that inspire you into our members only Facebook group


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