They Forgot to Tell Me What?!

They Forgot to Tell Me What?!

Aug 06, 2022

In June I had an EMG test. Just this week I found out with a new neurologist (that the same facility switched me to) told me the results of that test. Apparently the test in June showed I have a pinched nerve in my L5 vertebra. Nobody told me this. Nobody called me to tell me to go back to discuss the reults of the EMG test which I thought was normal since no news is good news right?? Oh boy was I wrong. This is likely the primary reason of why I felt paralyzed outside the other day. But the Neurologist is also sending me to get an MRI and a 2nd EMG test done just to see if the pinched nerve is still pinched. Altho it might take some time for my insurance to approve another EMG test since I just had one done in June... the craziness carries on!

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