He loves plants, what to give him

He loves plants, what to give him

Apr 22, 2021

Your boyfriend loves plants, of course the obvious and most logical thing to do for his birthday is to get him one. But are you sure about that, like seriously? the fact is, you don’t even own a single pot of plant at your apartment so how the heck will you figure out what to plant to give him? Here’s 4 tips: 1. Instead of buying him a plant, opt to give him a gift card at his favorite plant shop so he can select his own thingy. That will save you all the pressure and worries on figuring what to give him or whether the plant you chose is something that he’ll like plus what if he already has that plant, so it’s gonna be a kinda useless gift right? 2. Give him a hard bound coffee table book on plants, like palm trees or stuffs or how about a photo book of succulents, something cute, something colorful. You can never go wrong with a plant book. 3. Ask his Ex for some pointers. Of course we’re just kidding. He’s your boyfriend, you technically knows what he likes and what he doesn’t. Maybe he might want something else, like a nice shirt or how about a home cooked dinner, thanks to YouTube cooking tutorials? 4. Since your boyfriend had just moved in at his new place, it makes sense to give him a plant themed decor like wall framed posters, couch pillows, sofa throw rugs, but go with a plant theme, it’s a cute gift. You might need to buy it online though, if you do a thorough research, you’ll find tons of indie artists unique and custom made items that will definitely fit your requirements.

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