Attract, Don't Chase or Go After What Yo ...

Attract, Don't Chase or Go After What You Want?

Mar 06, 2021

Does anyone else feel like some inspirational quotes and mottos are extremely conflicting?

I guess that is natural, being that this is the internet, where people have wildly different opinions and beliefs. It can be difficult to sort through it all and reach the conclusion that best benefits you and your situation.

What do you think? Should you attract, don't chase or should you go after what you want?

Maybe different situations warrant different responses. That makes sense. Your answer can change if you are working towards getting your dream job, versus if you are trying to determine whether or not the guy you love who hardly texts you back is worth the effort. Life is not black and white, but even so, that makes deciding what to do even more complicated. That means you have to examine every situation and constantly have this internal debate.

I reflected on this question today because there is something in my life that is bugging me. I do not want to get too specific so let's just say that the situation weighing on my mind is not in the place I want it to be. I am struggling to decide if I should keep trying to make it work or not since I am not seeing any desired results.

Typically, I fully believe you should do everything you can to get what you want. This is your life and you need to do what will make you happy. The moment you give up could have been the moment before your big break. You never know what could happen. On the other hand, if you keep trying and you are not getting very far, you might reach a point where you are wasting your time. You cannot force something that is not meant to be.

Personally, I still have not reached a conclusion about what I should do with my situation. However, there are factors I examined that I think would be beneficial for anyone else who is in this predicament.

None of us have everything we want in life so I feel like we have all been in a situation where we asked ourselves if we should keep trying or let it go. Maybe I can at least help someone else make a decision!

Reflect on your life with it and without it.

Think about what life could be like down the road if this works out. Is this your dream? Is this something or someone you care deeply about? If you care enough and you want it, I feel like you should work towards it. People will not read your mind or hand you opportunities that you do not make any effort to receive. Sure, you can manifest everything you want. Actually, manifesting is important. Be open to new possibilities and carry yourself as if you deserve to get what you want because you do deserve it. Nevertheless, without action, dreams are just dreams.

Check your energy levels.

You cannot sacrifice yourself for someone or something else. Feeling drained is a major warning sign that something is not right. Ask yourself some reflection questions. Is this something or someone that is truly worth your effort? How much positivity is this bringing into your life, versus how much negativity is this bringing into your life? If the negatives outweigh the positives, then maybe letting go is your best bet. Protect your peace.

Differentiate between intuition and anxiety.

I try to listen to my intuition if something does not feel right, but sometimes, anxiety is the one that is really talking to me and trying to prevent me from getting what I want. Your intuition might be safely leading you away from a negative situation, while your anxiety is simply your fears getting in the way. You can tell the difference between the two by asking yourself more reflection questions. Am I prepared for the best-case scenario and the worst-case scenario? What is the worst that can happen, realistically? Am I willing to give up without knowing how it might turn out if I go with it? That is how you miss opportunities. If you are seriously getting a deep bad feeling about something, do not force yourself to go with it anyway. That is when it is most likely your intuition, rather than your anxiety. Just be careful and make sure your nerves are not steering you away from something that could be exactly what you want.

Search for signs from the universe.

I am a pretty spiritual person. I have seen people who act like the universe is out to get them, although I find comfort in the way that the universe adapts to the decisions I make. Whether you are spiritual or not, you might still be able to see my point here. Anyone who is religious will say that God has their back and protects them. This is the same concept. There is no fixed agenda. No matter what you do (as long as it is not dangerous to you or anyone else, of course), your life is not over. You will adapt. You will be okay. Do not worry so much if you are doing the right thing when maybe, just maybe, there is no right thing. Nevertheless, there have been times when I have noticed signs pointing towards the choice I should make. I take these moments as the universe guiding me. Look closely, otherwise, you will miss them.

Keep your emotions in check.

I do not know about you, but man, I am SOOO emotional! I get discouraged in myself. There are times I take something entirely unrelated to me personally. I fear the worst and if even something small seems to support that, I will get upset and give in to my emotions. Try to look at situations objectively. If it helps, picture yourself as someone else. Looking at a situation you are in the middle of without bias is not easy, although it is necessary. Otherwise, your emotions can cloud your judgment and make you make the wrong choice. You might give on something because you are temporarily upset or discouraged and that is not fair to you.


If you have not noticed yet, I reflect a lot. I journal. I ask myself reflection questions because life can get hectic and it is important to check-in with yourself. I try to keep my mind in check, yet she goes a little wild sometimes and she overthinks. It happens. In those instances, I need to ground myself and search for clarity without letting the chaos in my head prevent me from seeing the answers in front of me.

My thoughts here might seem all over the place. If that is the case, then that only proves how conflicted I am! These situations are hardly ever simple.

These points also might conflict with each other, but hey, I said earlier that life is not black and white. That is another reason why I advocate that life is not a fixed agenda. Your choice might not be perfect. The only way to reach peace is to do what is best for you, which is not always completely beneficial. You have to come to terms with that.

If you are struggling to make a choice whether to keep trying or let it be, I wish you all the luck. I feel you. I know it is hard. You will be okay regardless of what you decide to do. I support you no matter what.

Love always,


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