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A REAL-LIFE TRAGICOMEDY: And How Gratitude Makes All The Difference

Apr 30, 2021

Most people in your life enjoy and care more about subject matters when tackled by personalities or influencers than when you do.

Talk about meaty topics like politics, government corruption, problems in religion, social issues, mental illness, or dying and you will immediately be ignored or worse dismissed because you talk about the "taboos" or you'll be dissed and labelled "nega".

The tragicomedy (the funny and sad thing at the same time) is the same people who ignore or diss you for speaking up are the same people who care about the meaty things but only when they're discussed by famous people. It has to come from influencers first before they entertain it.

For example, when I first learned about my mental illness, I started expressing more to my closest peers. I wasn't as open to the public and was dead-afraid more than I could ever express then. I was dying inside crying out for help. Because at that time, I wanted to end things for good. Admittedly, I wasn't very good at communicating it then. I don't have a clear or any understanding on what was going through my head and why do I feel tooooo muuuuch. So I expressed in ways I could at that moment. I talked a lot about the heavy things. (It was beyond dramatic, I don't blame my friends for letting go of my hands then. It was a crazy time. And maybe I did ask for too much.)

Anyway, I was ignored most of the time and sometimes even dismissed. The common reasons were not because of the lack of care but: (1) the topic being too sensitive and hard to grasp; (2) not knowing what to say or how to respond; (3) plate is currently full; (4) topic is too toxic. All are valid reasons and I respect them. But there were many occasions when I also saw and hear them tackle with such great concern about mental health like the depression and suicide of celebrities or idols.

There is definitely nothing wrong with that. It's good to tackle and care about these heavy things. That's precisely why I try my best to put it out there and to plant more seeds of awareness. But now, do you see the tragicomedy?

So to those who have a hard time understanding people like me or just couldn't relate, maybe try or not (it's really up to you) to be more aware and make sure that while you are so preoccupied reading up on the life updates of celebrities or idols, you are not missing out on the people who are actually in your life --like in-the-flesh-people, who are also struggling as much with the same thing.

Just try to instead of getting annoyed all the time because they post too long, too dramatic, too bad vibes, too "KSP", too "OA", too "toxic", (or perhaps too real and too honest) for your own sake, be grateful that they do because at least they are expressing still. Every expression made, especially the vulnerable ones, is an opportunity to care or to help or who knows to save a life. You definitely have to prioritize yourself too before anything else but sometimes, sparing a bit of your time and energy, and listening, as cliché as it sounds, is a lifesaver. That's definitely something to be grateful for!

We cannot undo but we can always correct and improve our ways. The best way to do so, is with a gratitude attitude.

Otherwise what little Anne Frank said might hit you differently should the worst-case-scenario happen.

"Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude." --Anne Frank (1929-1945)


If in any way this post disturbed you that's probably because you actually care. And I think that's a good thing. I genuinely believe that this kind of rawness only resonates with people who care.

And btw, I had a very open and vulnerable talk with one of my peers recently. And she apologized for neglecting me during my darkest moments. She explained and I understood. And I am so grateful for her. That conversation is the kind that gives me the will to live. We may never go back and get back whatever time we have lost, but we can surely make new ones now that we have cleared the air. We love and care for each other now more than ever. It's indeed awesome! 😉

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