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It Dawned On Me

It Dawned On Me

Feb 28, 2021

It dawned on me, challenging the system is inevitable to those whose personal interest is growth. Once you start challenging yourself to be better, you start to see greater potential in many things around you and it suddenly becomes clear that some systems are obsolete (In many cases, rotten to the core from the very start). This challenge is where a new growth process starts. Opposition and even persecution rise because when you start the growth process you enter a new mindset that takes you a step ahead of your time. 

Do not be afraid. 

There is always a paradigm shift for those who are constantly growing. It is messy before it gets better but it is a beautiful process.

It is worth it. 

What people miss so often is that a system, no matter how effective will only serve its purpose on its own time and must actively be put to the test. This is true in education, in government and other forms of ruling bodies. Systems are meant to be challenged not for mere change but for man to thrive and excel. It is not about breaking the rules but realizing that some of these rules don't fit anymore. It's not about rocking the boat but sailing to the better route even if it means facing a storm. Storms are frightening but there's nothing more alarming than being stagnant. 

There is no easy way to realize a vision especially if it is for the good of everybody. Nothing is more ambitious than aiming for a better life and a better society. I learned the very first step to achieve such an ambitious goal is self-improvement. Many will misinterpret this as selfish or self-serving and it can be very discouraging. But it is precisely in that discouragement that I saw the value of what I believe in. I got so affected that it pushed me to become effective. And this is where I begin. After all, my personal agenda is to improve myself to improve others.


Quick backstory: 

I wrote this after experiencing a harsh judgement on my strong beliefs and for challenging an obsolete system. It’s not the first time I experienced such conflict (it usually involves closed-minded people). But this particular experience hyped me. My heart crumbled into pieces for a moment but it came back together in one piece with more courage. In other words I’m more stubborn now. (Good luck to them haters!)

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