Keep 'er going

Keep 'er going

Apr 24, 2021

If you're seeing this I just want to say hey and thanks for stopping by. Things are a little hectic right now and content is a little dry as I've been focusing on getting the radio station back up and running. In the meantime, if you haven't done it yet, feel free to sing up for the membership option where you can get access to the PS2 strip down video. I've been thinking about trying to do some live stream stuff or exclusive interviews over here. As I get into more of the radio stuff it would be nice to try and make some of that content exclusive for y'all.

Either way, I'm still thinking and there is still merch available, so make sure you go check those out as well. In the meantime, I'll be working on stuff for us - I'm trying to cook up a YouTube video for the channel so make sure you sub over there.

Looking forward to seeing your beautiful faces around more often and have a good weekend buckos.

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