Social Introvert

Jul 25, 2022

If there's one aspect of being a writer I have struggled with, its the necessity to be outgoing and social so that my name can get out to the masses.

I have this crippling shyness around people I don't know and the inability to strike up a reasonable conversation. Small talk bores me so much that my mind wonders off into the aether, leaving my physical form behind, having to deal with the mundane conversations others find so easy. It comes to the point where I am unable to absorb the information given to me and I completely loose track of where I am.

I love sitting at my dinning table, with the laptop in front of me, pretending that I'm a social butterfly. Pretending only gets you so far, especially when I actually need to put myself on the spot so that I can get clients.

It's not just physically interacting with people either. Being a creative soul, I can imagine all sorts of fake scenarios that would lead to ridicule and embarrassment, should I work up the courage to submit my short stories for publication.

"Beware The Bacon Fiend" was once submitted to the flash 500 writing contest. I worked so hard on it, had my peers review it and got it professionally edited, but it still failed to get short listed and I can't help feel that my writing was so bad, that the judges were reduced to tears of laughter. I gave up writing for a little while after that. Just because of a made up scenario. Thousands of stories get submitted to the Flash 500. Only 20 are short listed for honorable mentions and 3 actual winners, so it was highly likely that my story wouldn't make the cut.

Beware the Bacon Fiend is now on here for all to enjoy.

Once I actually get people to sub...

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