12 Steps to Reduce Stress

12 Steps to Reduce Stress

Sep 06, 2021


We're nearly through the second most challenging year of our lives, and now have a whole new set of stressors on our bodies. For most, all it takes is one more thing to feel overwhelmed. Maybe you've already reached that limit and life has already become too complicated, or your mind too full. Maybe you're tried to create a less complicated life but you're still stressed. I'm right there with you. That's why I had to research and share twelve of the best methods I found for removing stress from my life. First, I had to simplify

How Simplifying Has Helped Me 

Simplifying has helped me create a less stressful, more peaceful life. At the end of my teaching career, I'd developed a toxic lifestyle of anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, headaches and joint pain. I had to create healthy habits and find new ways to de-stress my life. First, I retired early from teaching. I did yoga, learned meditation, increased my walking and journaling. I de-cluttered my home and donated hundreds of items to charity. I saw a therapist for my anxiety. I ate more vegetables and gave up gluten to reduce my headaches and joint pain. I saw a doctor about sleep apnea and got a machine to help me breathe and sleep better. I did all the things mentioned in the serenity prayer~ I let go.

To read the 12 steps to reduce stress, click on the link above.

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