Pop Witches Kickstarer is LIVE!

Pop Witches Kickstarer is LIVE!

May 15, 2022

Support the Pop Witches Oracle Deck on Kickstarter!

The Kickstarter for the Pop Witches Oracle Deck is LIVE, and it's waiting for you to get involved!

The Kickstarter will run for 30 days, but if you really want to support the deck in a meaningful way, definitely support it as soon as possible! The sooner the base goal is met, the more people will see it on Kickstarter, and then maybe I can even throw in some stretch goals!

Some of the rewards you can get if you help fund the deck:

  • Your own copy of the Pop Witches Oracle Deck (60 cards + a digital guidebook)

  • The Pop Witches guidebook (which you can use with the deck, booster packs, or even as a tool for bibliomancy!)

  • Booster packs (10 card packs that include cards that aren't in the main deck! You can use booster packs to build your own deck, add to the main deck, or trade with your friends!)

  • ALL of the cards currently in existence, plus a custom drawn card (over 85 cards in total!)

This deck features all of our favourite witches. The witches we connected with as young witches, the witches who inspired our style, the witches we haven't heard of yet but are ready to love. The Pop Witches Oracle Deck has witches from movies, television, and comic books, from the popular shows we've all seen to the deep cuts that are made with real magic. You're going to find witches you already love, and be introduced to witches who are going to inspire you in new ways. All the while, you'll be guided and given guidance through the magical art of cartomancy.

Support the Kickstarter here!

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