Changing it up

Changing it up

Nov 25, 2023


It had been quite some time since I updated my BMAC page, but now that I have rebooted two podcasts and added two more (not to mention launching a nonprofit public charity to enable and encourage civic volunteers to be local innovators, and a few other things), it seemed like a decent time to re-engage any community that might be wandering around looking for these sorts of things.


The time has come to part ways with the legacy social media out there, starting with Facebook about 2 years ago (including WhatsApp), and now Twitter and Instagram are already no longer places where I spend much time or post anything, and of course LinkedIn (after 20 years!) needs to be placed on the back burner.

A return to the original Internet days, when we could post what we wanted, where we wanted, and people would see it if they wanted to. Sure, it was tricky to find things, which is why there were so many search engines. Lycos, Ask Jeeves, Alta Vista, DogPile, Yahoo!, and the list goes on. It took a while for Google to show up, and that was likely the beginning of the end… at the time I was working for Netscape of all places.

Personal and Business and Project sites will appear and will become authoritative primary posting places, with options to post on social media (eg “Share to…”) by others, in a continuing efforts to take back the internets. There is already a basic site for Innovate for Vegas Foundation, more to follow.

Podcasts and other media need to be published and pointed-to in a primary place, rather than hoping that Spotify or YouTube will work and not change their minds for whatever reason. Sure, placing content on media host platforms like Spotify and YouTube is useful, but sites like this cannot be primary (witness so many people cross-posting and making use of in several ways the likes of YouTube, Twitch, Locals, Rumble, and more).

So yeah, the time has come, and most of my efforts will appear as open source projects (one of our Innovate for Vegas projects is called Smart Social for a reason) which might be useful for others, also. And as well, a for-profit information sharing platform to test out on the ~40M people visiting Vegas each year, to help people figure out what goes on, where, when, and why, and then share and comment. Easy things in the old days.

To be continued…

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