Daydream Believer

Oct 16, 2021

This post isn’t about the Monkees. Though, I do like them & that song. This is about actual daydreams. I suppose there are people who don’t do that. Maybe it’s more creative types. Or, people who like to problem solve. I’m sure, depending on the person, their mood, the situation they’re in while their thoughts drift off, etc what they think about can be particular to that person. There’s no hard & fast rule as to what daydreams are.

For me, some of the daydreaming is an escape. If I’m in difficult circumstances. Such as having had an abusive mother. I probably would think of something pleasant I had done or maybe about having a better life. Those are two things I still contemplate today.

I don’t believe I daydream as much as I did when I was younger. There’s still reason to. It’s just I don’t slip into a reverie the same as before. It might be because I’ve been living on my own for two years. Though I have the stress of my health & finances, I’m able to watch funny vids on YouTube, for example, to help alleviate that. I don’t have my ex & his health struggles & mistreatment compounding things.

I still find myself daydreaming when I’m really focused on something or someone important. If it’s enjoyable, why not let my thoughts go down that path? What about you, do you find yourself daydreaming at times? About what? If you don't mind me asking.

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