AIDS information and treatment

AIDS information and treatment

Dec 20, 2020



                        Cause and Symptoms

 AIDS -            Acquired immune deficiency syndrome is an immunological disease cause by human

                        Immunodeficiency virus (AIDS)

                       Virus is transmitted through direct contact of body fluid like vaginal fluid, preseminal

                       Fluid, breast milk, blood, transmission can occur to child through infected mother during

                       Pregnancy childbirth, breastfeeding, other are oral sex, anal, vaginal sex,

                       Infected needle prick.

Symptoms -   In healthy person normal bacteria, parasite, viruses, fungal, infection are controlled

                       By immune system, but AIDS virus destroy immune system.

                       So this opportunistic infection affects every organ, AIDS patient also have risk of

                       Cancers such Kaposi’s sarcoma, lymphomas. Other symptoms includes fever,

                       Sweating, weakness, swollen glands.

Cause     -      HIV is a retro virus infects CD4 cells lead to loss of cellular immunity. In absence of

                      Antiretroviral treatment progression from HIV infection to AIDS takes nine to ten years

Misconcept - Some misconcepts regarding are, it spread through casual contacts, sex with virgin will

                        Cure AIDS, infect only to homosexual and drug users, as these concepts are not true.

Diagnosis -    By presence of symptoms and signs with many classifications and with HIV test

Prevention -    Prevent unprotected sex i.e. use condoms, body fluid exposure i.e. blood by

                       Contaminated needle, mother to child i.e. breastfeed and by giving people health education

Treatment -    Antiviral therapy (abacavir) and symptomatic treatment

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