6 October 1636 The battle of Szalonta

6 October 1636 The battle of Szalonta

Oct 06, 2022

Today in Hungarian history:

On 6 October 1636 Prince Rákóczi of Transylvania scatters the army of the Pasha of Temesvár at Nagyszalonta...

Read about the details and the political background of this military clash between the Hungarians of Transylvania and the Ottoman Empire's army, based on the research of Hungarian historians Szerecz Miklós and Szibler Gábor...

Find out how did the Dutch Protestant powers secretly plot to make a war between their Protestant ally, the Prince of Transylvania, and the Ottoman Empire during the 30-year-war. Cardinal Pázmány's letter to King Habsburg Ferdinand reveals it.

The Dutch envoys and agents in Istambul were also instigating the Sultan against the Transylvanians in the hope of war would eventually break out between the Habsburgs and the Ottomans, as a bonus of the Transylvanian conflict.

Being knee-deep in the 30-year-war, they wanted to split the Habsburgs' forces this way; and they didn't really care that they were betraying their ally, the Calvinist Rákóczi by this.


In the end, the Dutch plotting failed though they could achieve that the Turks attacked Rákóczi who defeated them in the oncoming battle of Nagyszalonta, the battle that this post is all about.

Thus, there was no new war between the Turks and the Habsburgs because of the victory...Rákóczi proved to be strong enough.

Read more about these events on my page:


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