What are Sacred Root Numbers? What Do Th ...

What are Sacred Root Numbers? What Do They Mean?

Jan 27, 2022

Hello supporters!

Thank you for allowing me to share my knowledge and passion with you. Some news released today on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CZMimtNOPAu/?utm_medium=copy_link .

This same news has been keeping me quite occupied so that is the cause for stops in postings on here. I know many wonder when I disappear has Big Brother gotten me or am I just occupied. Let me rest your mind, occupied has been the case.

Only needed a moment to regain my barings. Now that I have, I want to take a moment to share with you the meanings behind the numbers that are referred to as our numbers of grounding or Sacred Root Numbers.

What are Sacred Root Numbers? Root numbers are the numbers 0-9, they are  grounding forces. Our guides, angels whichever you perfer, speak to us to offer encourgement and advice through numbers and many other signs and wonders.

Your guides sending repeated numbers are asking you to check in, take action and change direction or they are saying connect with yourself and them...its time to make time.

Always head their messages and take the necessary action when needed!

You are a spiritual being in a human experience. You are never alone, your guides always have you. Build your intuition and allow yourself to become more trusting of yourself. It will speed your growth periods up.

Your guides will keep firing messages at you until you see them, because it is their job and divine duty to help you step into your full power. Once you begin to use your messages wisely from your guides; you can use them to either alter your course, or stay steady, and things will start to fall into place depending on what comes through.

Real change will require the fullest commitment from you to make the change lasting. But when you are not willing to make that change, the signs will beccome more and more uncomfortable in your life.

When asked to do something outside your comfort zone, if the signs are undeinablely yes...then retrain the ego and take the jump. Don't ignore the signs EVER!

It is your guides job to make sure you continue on the path that is best for you- whether it makes sense to your logical brain or not. They are more concernced about you being happy, emotionally fulfilled, and spiritually expansive!

It is natural to get frustrated during growth and your guides do not hold that against you. They know real growth takes time and they possess all the patience needed for as long as you decide it will take to make the necessary change. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Eluminate/numerology-the-power-triples

What Do They all Mean?

Each individual root number has a different meaning that brings with it a particular message to keep you centered(grounded), and in tune with your spirits true path.

Like they say, start at the beginning...0

Sacred Root Number 0:

This number is all about connecting to the higher power we each feel around us. Meditation, prayer and the acknowleding infinite possibilities is being called to your attention.

0 encompasses all attributes of all the other numbers that follow it. I mean its shape says it all...never ending...infinite if you will.

Alpha and Omega are represented by O. When you see this number it is asking you to remember, there is no beginning and no end. Infinity is a real concept and time to get closer to the energy that surrounds all of us from the heavens.

Naturally, this number is very high in vibration. It comes to remind you of your infinite potential and what you are capable of when you fully tune into your connection with the divine and all the universal energies all around you..its endless!

Sacred Root Number 1:

"He's looking at you kid." You guessed it, the Sacred Root Number 1 is about connection with self. This number is an invitation to step into your independence, individuality and take FULL ownership of your life.

You probably thought I was going to give up some Twin Flame juice, didn't you? No, this is about the root and the root of one is about, you guessed it, self...you.

Think about it, all numbers are divisible by 1. We are all one. Honestly, the only thing that divides us is our individual thoughts, that manifest into our individual realities.

When 1 shows up make sure your minding your thoughts about yourself and being positive overall. As you are charging through life you should be in charge of your life.

Remember, those individual thoughts are what will manifest the reality that you want...or the reality that you do not want if you are not careful.

Think what you mean when 1 is on the scene because all we have is the present moment.

Sacred Root Number 2:

The Sacred Root Number 2 is about relationships with others...peace, diplomacy and harmony. If you are seeing this, you are being reminded to be authentic in your connections. Allow all of you to be present in them emotionally, spiritually and physcially.

When developing connections with others on your journey, the ego and pride will do you no good. When sharing your of yourself and your gifts make sure you are using them to guide the way, rather than your ego and pride.

Paitence is being called upon. Practice understanding when 2 is near and take tranquil approaches to your interactions whether it is with a loved one, co-worker, or new friendship.

This is a reminder that connections are divine and should always be treated with gentleness and care. To do this it will require balance of your boundaries and paitence with others.

Lead with love and you will create the equilibrium you seek.

Sacred Root Number 3:

This number vibes right in tune with the ultimate trinity-the mind, body, and the spirit. You are openly being invited to raise the vibe of all 3 aspects of your life. Make your thoughts uplifting.

How's your health? How's your mental wellness? Your angels are reminding you to raise the physical vibration of your body.

Some tips for doing just that contained within

Finally, how is your soul? Have you really spent time truly connecting with your higher?

3 comes to tell you that you have assistance in all 3 areas of your life whether you physically realize it or not. Take a moment when you see 3 and be truly grateful to your spirit team...they truly are keeping you all together behind the scenes...thank them, appreciate them, love them.

Your truest desires manifest when the vibration of all 3 of these cherished areas of your life are kept high.

Sacred Root Number 4:

Security...security and can I get some stability.

That's right the Sacred Root Number 4 lets you know, your angels are is so proud of you. They also want you to know you have all the security and stability you need!

They see the work you have been doing and want you to keep up the good work. Keep those thoughts, intentions and inspired actions moving like you have. Your foundation is strong now and all you build will stand.

This number also refers to the 4 elements in nature. Fire, earth, air and water. Which are also the reflections of the foundations of our very own Earth.

Without these elements, what would truly be able to exist?

When you see 4 take the praise and encouragements, let them fuel you to continue the building of your truest foundations. "444 This or More!"

Sacred Root Number 5:

You have the full freedom to be you.

When you see this Sacred Number be ready to come into changes in your life. The path is being made for you to truly step into your lane.

There is a rebellious vibe that comes with 5, impulsiveness and important life changes.

Know that when you see this number a lot, your about to go on a wild ride for your highest good...so hang on!

5 comes to remind your physcial that yes change is hard, but time to relax into the new opportunities that are coming your way. Let go of what is no longer serving you.

The changes that 5 bring, are the changes that bringing you much closer to meeting your true highest self.

Sacred Root Number 6:

The Sacred Root Number 6 has always gotten a bad wrap. The number 6 is a reminder of the healing process.

True healing is non-linear and not all love and light. However, it is necessary, powerful and truly transformational.

When you see this number you are being reminded to be honest and move with intergrity at the forefront of your mind.

Practice self-lessness and being of service to truly heal when you see 6. When you are being of true service to others, you in turn heal yourself. Being of service to others will unlock your gratitude and attitude towards it on new levels.

Sacred Root Number 7:

While she is a lucky one...The Sacred Root of 7 is high vibing and connects all the collective consciousness. 7 is all about the profoundness of spiritual connections, wisdom and even psychic abilities.

The 7 Chakras (that are recognized in our modern cultures) are ruled by this sacred number as well as the well-known 7 heavens in a variety of religious texts.

Your angels only want to connect further with you and encourge you to stay on the right path, you are doing so well. It is a number of unconditional love being poured over you from above.

Your only job when seeing this number, is to maintain enthusiasm, a positive attitude, and connection with your spiritual realms...most importantly continue moving forward.

Sacred Root Number 8:

This sacred number is all about your personal power and ability to manifest material wealth and abundance.

This sacred number shares the spiritual message of the concept of "cause and effect" through symbolism. When you turn 8 on its side you have the infinity symbol.

When you see 8 remember you are currently SOWING SEEDS. What did you just plant?

What you do right now could bring you great material wealth, abundance, and ignite your personal power, if you stay the course!

Karma...everything in this life has two sides. Seeing 8 is a quick reminder that they see you've been carrying integrity and your good karma is about to pay off!

Your blessings will come in many ways, be open to receiving them when they show up!

Sacred Root Number 9:

Last, but most definetly not the least is Sacred Root Number 9. Which reminds us of another necessary component of life: CLOSING CHAPTERS.

Your angels want you to be reassured that you have nothing to lose when you see this number.

We humans would love to stay attached to a relationship or circumstance for whatever reasons...9 prompts you to release, as your divine soul purpose is going to push you in a much more beneficial direction.

There are no losses here. This is the moment of deep ego retraining.

You will come out of this particular standing much more seasoned and prepared for the next phase in your life it you will lean into and complete whatever it is you are being called to close.

Is it a project? Relationship? Cleaning out an old space? What have you left unfinished?

Whatever it is, your next level manifests once you close this level out.

Erica Parrott/Eluminate

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