Ready Your Staff - Put Your Sandals On

Ready Your Staff - Put Your Sandals On

Aug 26, 2022

Some say that we have been in slavery for decades. Yes, here in America, the land of the free and home of the brave, we are slaves. They say the process has been so gradual that we've missed it, and like the proverbial frog in heating water, we find ourselves living in a system designed long ago by demonically influenced, dastardly people to keep us locked into sickness, debt, servitude, and perhaps the worst of it all, ignorance of our plight. Some say, and I cannot disagree. We are chained by all of those things. That does not sound much different than those in the days of Jesus - or the days of Moses.

But I wonder, so what? Does knowing help or make it worse? If we all awaken from our ignorant slumber, what is next? We might know because there is a pattern!

Exo 12:11  And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD'S passover.

The Israelites had been in Egypt for over 400 years. It started out great. In the beginning, it was their salvation through Joseph's wise hand and a kindly Pharaoh. Things changed gradually. Along came a generation that didn't remember Joseph or the kindly Pharaoh. All they knew was brick-baking and straw-gathering. Servitude was their reality. But Passover.

You see, every moment that sees the people set free is a Passover moment. The Emancipation Proclamation? A Passover moment. The fall of the U.S.S.R? A Passover moment. The demolition of the Berlin wall? A Passover moment. Passover is that event on God's calendar that rocks our planet by "and suddenlies", a divine buzzsaw that rips through the plans of the enemy. And suddenly the tenth plague hit. But Passover comes with instructions: ready your staff, and put your sandals on. Be ready to move when God moves. While understanding the plight of humanity has some merit, there is NOTHING to be done to instigate God's Passover moment. It's HIS calendar. Yes, being ready to move does give us some responsibility, but the day is His, not ours.

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