Free 2. Three Areas of Interest

Free 2. Three Areas of Interest

Mar 08, 2021


I have been engaged in a life-long study of all three of these areas, starting from birth in the case of the first of these—as has everyone else in one manner or the other. This started with biblical study in nursery and Sunday School, progressed to technical studies of math and science in grade school, then to all of the above with the addition of philosophy and the humanities in college, and eventually to working in the carpentry, design, engineering, construction contracting, software development, and insurance claim worlds. They have all have had their relevance. At Duke, the curriculum included two semester courses from the religion department from which I elected a comparative world religions course. I had a philosophical epiphany of sorts from a study of Vedanta and other Eastern thinking, as I absorbed the notion that enlightenment could not be reduced to a brief epiphany as a conversion experience, but rather took years if not decades of spiritual practice for the transcendent experience, one of an essential monism, in order to be realized. This notion has guided my investigation ever since.


In the second case of scientific investigation and physics in particular, I have had an interest in the fundamentals of the way things work from an early age, but that got derailed from this pursuit in my first years in college and I did not pick it up again until about thirty years ago after hearing of the first reported positive experimental results of cold fusion. This piqued my interest and subsequently precipitated a study of the unification of gravitational and quantum theory, with positive results and eventual fruition of my thinking. This is a very limited and technically arcane topic that neither side of these disparate disciplines understand on a fundamental level, making a cursory broaching of the subject with either side in academia problematic.

As far as I know, I am the only one who has a technical understanding of this matter. There are perhaps a few dozen to a few hundred individuals with sufficient expertise that are sniffing around the correct solution. It is one that is not conceptually difficult if given an unhurried attention to the details and a mind open to dialogue, though it starts from a totally different axiomatic understanding. In terms of the time involved in achieving a grasp of the subject, it represents perhaps a semester advanced undergraduate course based on an introductory exposure to general relativity and quantum theory and a little more in-depth study of three and four-dimensional topology and classical wave mechanics. There are some novel mathematical and differential geometry insights involved. For the technically inclined, this is essentially a development of rest mass and messenger quanta, with all the attendant fundamental electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravitational interactions, of emergent torsional wave condensed matter phenomenon modeled as a function of the cosmic isotropic expansion, or mathematically equivalent local isotropic contraction, of an inertial space under the stress and strain of that apparent expansion/contraction.

This modeling of quantum interactions as a discrete wave of rotating oscillation of two states, as the neutron and as the proton/electron with beta decay, provides an understanding of the coulomb force in the interaction of the proton/electron as a fundamental hydrogen atom or of the neutron and proton/electron as a fundamental deuterium atom that the quark–lepton model of point-like particles of the standard model cannot provide. Based on this modeling, the theoretical production of helium without gamma radiation from a deuterium infused palladium cuboctahedral lattice as a low cost and clean source of sustainable energy for the benefit of a human oriented environment appears feasible.


In the third case, my undergraduate degree work in economics, politics, and philosophy, took me to the left in my junior year in the tumultuous spring of 1968 and for the next few years, before I made the swing back to an apolitical center, due in part to the promising advances of the civil rights and anti-war movements at that time and the development of my ecumenical spiritual investigations. In the wake of the obvious excesses of supply side thinking and the dotcom bust of the end of the millennium, I renewed my interest in macroeconomic theory and monetary policy. After the crisis of 2008, independent investigation in 2014 into the nature of structural changes to the U.S. economy with the implementation of supply side policy in 1981 led to a sustained interest in this area.

This ongoing study has established the following observations that have implications for policy going forward, especially in the light of the current Covid related crises:

1) the delineation of a marker for optimization in the ratio of the valuation of capital to consumption spending equal to the ratio of consumption to total spending in national accounting, both of which are found in an understanding of the Golden Section or Mean;

2) a clear understanding of the nature of capital as essentially human, valued by market and non-market mechanisms, the minor portion of which can be understood as privately valued for each soul as a microstate by market mechanisms with the major portion understood as publicly valued by non-market mechanisms as an average across the community, state, or nation macrostate, where from this human capital, both financial and real capital are derived;

3) a better understanding of the divisions of entitlements to real and financial capital and goods & services with respect to their public, private, common, and club designation;

4) the inability of an advanced rationalized, competitive private free market system to provide for all of the public needs of an economy, in particular of the safety net needs, due to the tendency for excess labor of any skill set to tend toward commoditization in its compensation, where commoditization is defined as compensation, in the absence of offsetting entitlement policy, sufficient only to provide for no more than the current consumption needs of that labor from day to day or at most month to month, so that funding for long term health, education, retirement, travel, vacation, unemployment, and savings of the individual worker are not included in their commodity compensation;

5) a recognition that national accounting for stocks and flows can be observed as conforming in the macrostate to conditions of ergodicity as weighted by focused decision making based on the hierarchical positioning of the decision-making microstates within the weighted hierarchy;

6) a knowledge of the ability of Modern Monetary Modeling and Universal Basic Income, this latter as a dividend on non-market valued human capital, to address the needs of public policy without recourse to antiquated notions of income taxation and public borrowing. The inclusion of these observations are necessary for an enlightened approach to national policy given the current crisis. I am sure that the first and fifth of these observations are unknown in any detail in current discussions and the rest are inadequately addressed as a result.

The target audience of this writing will no doubt result in a certain narrowing of interest in and reach for this material from among the potential online audience of several billion, though I am sure the first topic would have universal appeal if properly stated and understood.

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