Talkin bout some revolutions per minute

Talkin bout some revolutions per minute

Nov 07, 2020

Bel here ~
We have been busy! The cold weather took a pause so we've been doing a bunch of stuff. We are currently working on designing a new engine cover, and the first step of that was taking the old one off. Once we did that, I got a bit distracted info-dumping to El about mechanic stuff...

We're still researching good sound-deadening panels for our new engine cover, so if anyone has any experience there we'd love to get some links, and we can talk here more about that!

The view of the engine from inside is honestly pretty great. As a former mechanic I just nerd out about this sort of accessibility every time I see it.

Honestly I might look into cutting a plexiglass window into our new cover because this is so pretty to me.
Getting into this thing and inspecting it more in depth was a joy; there was some rust on a few things but for the most part it was all in really good shape.

If anyone else wants to nerd out about this cool engine, here is all the info you need

We will have more updates coming out soon (hopefully this weekend). We had to order an SD card reader, so we will finally be able to get the video files from our primary camera onto my computer. Shouldn't be quite so much of the shaky cam!

Safe travels yall
~ Bel

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