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The Chauvin Trial Is a Spectacle to Legi ...

The Chauvin Trial Is a Spectacle to Legitimize the Police

Apr 06, 2021

Sunday, 4/4/2021

Happy Sunday! If a friend forwarded you this newsletter, subscribe here. Onto the news…

The News

Derek Chauvin, the state sanctioned murderer, is on trial for killing George Floyd and his trial is being broadcasted for the masses to witness.

How should you feel about this news?

Not relieved. These fools are broadcasting this trial with hopes of convincing all of us that justice is being served. They are essentially putting on a sick show to legitimize the police. This trial is as much of a show as Obama drinking Flint water to prove the water was safe. Yes, he did that! A kind reminder that Obama ain’t shit.

Chauvin’s supervisor decrying Chauvin’s treatment of George Floyd is the embodiment of obamaring us into buying into a justice system that’s so rife with injustice, we should really rename it an injustice system.

So how do we get justice for George Floyd?

We have to abolish the police. Even if Chauvin is found guilty, there will still be plenty of state sanctioned murderers roaming the streets and that’s not justice. During Chauvin’s trial, the Chicago police have murdered a 13 year old and police in Texas murdered a mentally ill man who was arrested for marijuana position. Yes, marijuana is only illegal if you are a Black person.

I bring this up to belabor the point that a system that was meant to oppress and exploit Black people will never bring justice to them. You can’t use nail polish remover as a top coat because it’s only purpose is to remove nail polish, not to protect it from chipping.

I know this is the third time I’ve sent you a newsletter about abolishing the police, but I don’t think it can be said enough. You know how the radio station keeps playing the same song over and over again until you like it, think of this newsletter as the abolish the police radio station without the shitty ads.

That’s the news but don’t leave yet…

If you want a quick chuckle, follow Becca O'neal on Twitter. Her memes of herself make me laugh so hard, I momentarily forget we live in a capitalist hellhole that seeks to commodify and consume everything including our souls. I’m still pending on whether I think the soul exists, but if it does, the capitalists will find it and eat it.

Speaking of commodification, read about how capitalists have manufactured scarcity and it’s destroying the planet in Post Scarcity Anarchism by Murray Bookchin. My favorite quote from that book so far is, “Socially, bourgeois exploitation and manipulation have brought everyday life to the most excruciating point of vacuity and boredom. As society has been converted into a factory and a marketplace, the very rationale of life has been reduced to production for its own sake—and consumption for its own sake.” Yeah, the reason why your job gives you anxiety is because you should be prancing in the woods instead of buying your CEO another yacht with your labor.

If you like my writing and you can afford to support it, buy me a coffee please.


Your favorite anarchist comedian,


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