Foundation is now open! Felix Train upda ...

Foundation is now open! Felix Train update

May 19, 2022

Foundation is now open for everyone(Finally). It's been over a year since we started this Pay-It forward community and have onboarded ~900 creators from across the globe.

It's a fruitful and enriching experience to being able to interact with a lot of ambitious + creative + kind folks which otherwise wouldn't have been possible. Several new folks got into NFT due to this community and have personally thanked me.

I made great acquaintances which I wish to continue from journey ahead. Do keep in touch with others members on our discord community. Who knows, people could be working together on next cool thing or get married:) Overall Positive Sum.

I wish to meet each and everyone in IRL, and have a drink or two(it's on me). I'll be traveling a lot this year (Europe/Middle East) and next years(North America/South America/Australia). So hopefully our paths may cross one day.

If you need anything with growth marketing or ever visiting Kerala or just need someone to talk.

Please do keep in touch, Here's my Instagram: & LinkedIn: & Twitter:

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