It's so pretty!!!😍

It's so pretty!!!😍

Dec 18, 2021

Ayyye, look what came! We wanted to make sure the final product looked exactly how we want it to before placing orders. I admit I had a little too much fun taking photos, and I'm sure I'll be snapping more when the lighting is more in my favor. Once the holiday madness is over, all members under the "Avid Readers" tier will have one shipped out. 👍 Wish we could have shipped them out in time for Christmas, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

Want a copy? No prob, Bob! Grab an "Avid Reader" membership here to get copies of our publications for free plus some other goodies that are in the world. Not looking for that kind of commitment? I feel you; hop on over to Amazon to snag a copy.

Our mighty graphic design intern brought our vision to life perfectly. I'm well aware of how annoying my particularness must be, and she was always enthusiastic and willing to make any changes we requested. What a champ!

I know I say this pretty much every post I make, but thanks to everyone who helped out by preordering the ebook, sharing the link, or leaving a review.

On top of freelance work, here's what's in the works:

  • Planning the book launch for our next publication by Ray Lester🤌

  • 💻Learning more about marketing and campaigns. It hurts my brain, but it's gotta' be done.

  • Finalizing the first few writing tips videos for the "Dabblers" tier ✍️ (while shoving my mild neuroticism to the side and reminding myself that of course the first few won't be perfect--sorry for that!)

  • 🎙️Concerts aren't happening, so I'll be narrating my first audiobook to fill that void. It will be Fluky Fiction's second audiobook thanks to Marc Watson lending his pipes for his debut novel Death Dresses Poorly.

  • Have you heard about my coaching services? Oh, well, I do that. Let's chat. 😉

  • 🎥 Adapting one short story to film (screenplay writing is in progress) and hope to have it finished by late summer at the latest.

It's 6:30pm, and I'm sleepy.

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