The role of Michael Keaton as Adrian Too ...

The role of Michael Keaton as Adrian Tooms in the movie "Morbius" has not been confirmed,

Mar 05, 2022

When Michael Pictures Keaton was featured in the Sony Pictures Morbius trailer, fans linked him to his Marvel villain, Adrian Tooms, aka Vulture, in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Theories of mixing the two worlds have spread on the Internet, and fans even suspect that Morbius is re-shooting to add Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man to the film. However, Marvel or Sony did not actually confirm Keaton as Adrian Tooms' vulture in Morbius. Here are three more characters Keaton could play in Jared Leto Morbius' film.

3. Michael Keaton could just play Adrian Tooms, who is not an MCU, aka Vulture Variant in "Morbius"

"Spider-Man: No Way Home" and "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" have united the universes. However, fans do not know how much the crossover is waiting. Sony has confirmed that Morbius and Tom Hardy Venom's films exist in the same universe.

Some theories suggest that "The Amazing Spider-Man" with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone is also found in Sony Marvel movies.

However, the attempt to arrange the MCU Vulture was difficult. It is easy to correct that Morbius Michael Keaton is not the Adrian Tooms that Tom Holland and Zendaya met.

Just as JK Simmons played John John Jameson in the Sam Raimi and Toby Maguire trilogy about Spider-Man and Spider-Man: No Way Home, Keaton could easily have played Vulture in the Sony Universe.

2. Don Fortunato had connections with the villain of "Morbius" Loxias Crown, aka Hunger (Matt Smith), Vienna and Spider-Man

Matt Smith (Doctor Who) plays Loxias Crown, aka Hunger, the bad guy Marvel and the villain Morbius. However, Marvel Comics has very little history. He has appeared in only five comics since his first debut in January 1997.

However, Loxias Crown and Morbius have one character in common. Don Fortunato exists as a character similar to Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin. He hired Crown to kidnap Morbius to study him and find out how his forces work.

Although there is little evidence that Michael Keaton plays Don Fortunato instead of Adrian Tooms in "Morbius", the villain even had a symbiote of Venom. His son became Venom when Eddie Brock had no black mass at one point.

When Keaton told Michael Morbius (Jared Leto) that they should "keep in touch," many suggested it was alluding to the Sinister Six team. However, the villain Keaton may have darker plans.

The rights to the Kingpin movie and TV versions are unknown, possibly owned by Sony, Marvel, or both. Not only does Sony fully own Don Fortunato, but his connections to Morbius, Venom and Spider-Man have made him ideal for the Sony universe.

1. Some Marvel fans think that Michael Keaton will just play Morbius' roommate, not Adrian Tooms

Several Marvel fans are not very optimistic about Keaton's role in Morbius. Some people think that Michael Keaton will not play Adrian Tooms, Vulture or even another enemy of Marvel Comics.

Keaton seems to appear with Jared Leto's character in a prison cell in one scene of the Morbius trailer. Fans suspect that Keaton could play only a relatively minor role in the Sony film.

There is only one way to find out if Michael Keaton will appear as Adrian Tooms, Vulture, Don Fortunato or another character, and that is to catch Morbius in theaters on April 1, 2022.

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