Rishi Chatgpt機械上身

Rishi Chatgpt機械上身

May 30, 2023


英國政府內閣辦公室拒絕疫調查委員會(Covid Inquiry)的要求,聲稱手頭並無相關文件,故未能在今日限期前,向委員會主席提供前首相Boris Johnson與其他官員的WhatsApp內容和記事簿,因而引起一場政治風波。

首相Rishi Sunak今天回應傳媒查詢時,竟然大玩Chatgpt機械人上身,但可能版本未升級,只把一段傳Yes Minister劇情一般的官方聲明像機械人一樣生硬地背出來。然後無論記者續問什麼問題,他都以聲明內的關𨫡語句子重重覆覆「無限loop地」回應,但又可以平均分配每句重點太約使用四次至五次,有著驚人的邏輯和計算能力。

委員會現把限期押後兩天,否則可能提出法律行動。一般相信有關資料有可能進一步,披露Boris Johnson違反抗疫法規的證據或暴露更多醜聞。令事件更耐人尋味的是,Boris Johnson公開表示不介意提供有關資料,但委員會又沒有向持有相關資料的人提問。

Rishi Sunak回應Sky News先背出官方聲明:「我們在COVID中吸取敎訓尤為重要,而這亦是調查委員會成立的原因。而且我但希望確保我們吸取到當中任何要吸取的教訓,同時以透明及坦誠的精神去處理進行。」

“It's really important that we learn the lessons of COVID and that's why the inquiry was established. And we want to make sure that whatever lessons are to be learned, are learned and we do that in a spirit of transparency and candour.”


“The government has cooperated with the inquiry. Tens of thousands of documents have been handed over. And with regard to the specific question at the moment, the government is carefully considering its position, but it's confident in the approach that it's taken.”

記者: 你準備好接受委員會的法律挑戰?有資深法律界人士認你將會敗數。

Rishi: 我重申政府正謹慎地考慮立場,並對所採立的方式有信心。

“Again we are carefully considering the next step and the government is confident in its approach.”

記者: 你意思是由政府決定提供什麼文件,而不是由委員會法官決定?

Rishi: 我重申政府已交出數以萬計的文件,並以透明及坦誠的精神去處理進行。我們在COVID中吸取敎訓尤為重要。至於,有關目前特定的問題,政府正謹慎地考慮立場,但對所採立的方式有信心。

“Again the government handed over tens of thousands of documents in the spirit of candour and transparency. It’s important we learn the lessons of Covid. With regards to the question at the moment we re carefully considering the next step and confident in its position

記者: 那你即是可能不會交出被要求提供的資料?

Rishi: 我重申我重申政府正謹慎地考慮下一步行動,並對所採立的方式有信心。我重申政府已交出數以萬計的文件⋯

“Again the government is considering next step carefully and it’s confident in its position and has handed over tens of thousands of documents…”



“Tens of thousands of documents that are in the spirit of candour and transparency. Its important we learn from the Covid and carefully considering our next steps.”





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