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Book Release - Shadow & Light: An Anthol ...

Book Release - Shadow & Light: An Anthology

Mar 11, 2022

Shadow & Light is a collection of six stories from author Giuseppe Gillespie providing a mix of drama, horror, and thriller in six distinct tales of compassion, psychological horror, the wit of the old generation, the supernatural, vanity and pride, and corruption.

Shadow & Light
A woman is sent from her village to travel across the countryside to the city wherein she begins an unlikely friendship with an orphan child.

A man plagued by nightmares is chased by a frightening entity with a thirst for blood.

The Oul' Fellas
A whimsical story exploring the Irish Dublin dialect and witticisms.
Two oul' fellas (old fellows) meet up in the park every week for a bit of a ramble. They are rather spry for their age and smart as a whip when it comes to charm and wit. They've many a joke to crack and old wisdom to bestow upon anyone who'll listen. One day they caught my ear, what followed was a short dialogue on Irish weather, the ever present fear of death, and a curious origin of slang centred around illegal farming.

A detective gets into a deadly game of cat-and-mouse with murderous doll-like beings straight out of a nightmare.
Detective Inspector Manford responds to a burglary in progress late one night only to find that the nimble thief may not be human. The ensuing investigation leads him head-first into horror.

The Writer's Hook
Two world-renowned writers are pitted against one another in a simple contest of pride. The prize: to be crowned better than the other, the rules: each writer must complete a series of short stories on various topics to be graded by the masses of readers who hungrily await each new entry in a competition organised by an esteemed literary magazine. In addition to the quality of their stories it will also be a battle of wits as their two clashing personalities try to outdo each other every round.
There can only be one definitive winner between these two and their literary prowess will be put to the test in The Writer's Hook.

The Interrogation
A shady businessman is interrogated by a keen detective with ulterior motives in the case of some stolen money.

Check it out on Amazon:

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