Cars take on new meaning 🚗

Cars take on new meaning 🚗

Dec 07, 2020

The global pandemic and following lockdown seems to have reinvented the role of automobiles in our lives. Before the pandemic people saw cars primarily as a mode of transportation but now vehicles are emerging as an extension of the home for locked-down families, facilitating travel without violating any social distancing norms.

This is particularly important because over the past several decades human beings were moving away from car ownership, and embracing more sustainable modes of transportation including trains, buses, and even ride hailing platforms. But that trend may have been reversed forever. 🤔

Outdoors have already started to evolve around this new reality. Drive-in theaters in many countries are facing a renewed interest, picnics are taking place in the back of trucks, graduation ceremonies and birthdays are celebrated by waving through windows and by driving through university campuses.

Also, religious activities such as delivering church sermons are being conducted through cars in parking lots, gossip mongers are making sure they remain updated about the latest gossip with their cars parked from side to side. 

Not just that, cars have proven to be a saving grace for small businesses that serve clients using drive through facilities, allowing shops, bars, and restaurants to stay open and be able to pay rent as foot traffic falls considerably.

Cars have certainly allowed people to broaden their world and quarantine zones, and we believe this trend is here to stay.

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