New post: Creating A Word Clock With Pyt ...

New post: Creating A Word Clock With Python And Tkinter

Oct 10, 2021

I recently saw a design of a physical clock that inspired me to go about creating one using Python and Tkinter. The clock was essentially a wall of letters with lights behind that light up depending on what time it is. Without the lights the clock looks like a jumble of letters, it is only when the light is on that the relevant time is displayed.

The original clock was of a proprietary design so I set about creating one that was based more on an open source clock design that I found. That clock design I found didn't display the AM or PM of the time, so I ended up tweaking that design a little anyway.

Using Tkinter to create the clock as a GUI application seemed like a nice little project to get used ti Tkinter and Python. This ties in quite closely to my article on converting the current time into a sentence in Python, so I already had quite a bit of the logic figured out.

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