Thank you x 300!!

Thank you x 300!!

May 28, 2021

A couple of days ago I reached 300 subscribers on my YouTube channel. It's pretty wild to think that there are 300 real-life people subscribing to me already. So THANK YOU SO MUCH for making me feel seen and heard, and for supporting me on my journey :). I really appreciate you!

There's still a long way to go to make a living from my videos, but that's definitely THE big goal and dream of mine to make happen.

Some free ways to help achieve this is:

- Liking and commenting on videos. Engagement shows YouTube that the video is interesting, which helps it reach more people.

- Watching the videos the whole way through. YouTube is more likely to recommend videos that people watch for longer.

- Sharing my videos. More eyeballs = more potential subscribers.

And I'll do my very best to keep improving and making great content. Always.

Thank you again!! And have a beautiful weekend.

Xx Hege

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